Friday, 22 November 2013

Surah Al-Baqarah (Part-4)

Surah Number 2: Al-Baqarah (The Cow) part-4
Revealed at: Madinah
Total Verses: 286

ALLAH in the name of The Most Affectionate, the Merciful.
214. Do you imagine that you will enter Paradise, and yet the incidents like of your forerunners did not come unto you? The affliction and adversity reached to them and they were badly shaken until the messenger and
believers along with him said, 'when will come the help of Allah Listen: no doubt, the help of Allah is nigh.
215. They ask you what they should spend. Say: whatever wealth you spend in good, then that is for parents and near relatives and orphans and the needy and the wayfarer. And whatsoever good you do, no doubt: Allah knows it.
216. It was made obligatory upon you, to fight in the path of God and though it is disliked by you, and it may
happen that any thing may be disliked by you and that may be in your favour, and it may happen that anything may be liked by you and that may not be in your favour, and Allah knows and you do not know.
217. They ask you the precept for fighting in the sacred month. Say you: 'Fighting therein is a great sin; but to
prohibit from the way of Allah, and not to have faith in Him and to prevent from the sacred Mosque (Haram)
and to oust its dwellers, are greater sins than it with Allah; and their mischief is more grievous than killing. And they will remain fighting against you always, until they turn you back from your faith, if they can. And whoso among you turns back from his faith, then dies as an infidel, then their works shall go in vain in the world and in the Hereafter, and they are the people of Hell and will abide in it.
218. Those who believed and those who left their home and hearth for Allah and fought in the way of Allah, they are the aspirants of the mercy of Allah and Allah is Forgiving Merciful.
219. They ask you the precept of wine and gambling. Say you, 'in both there is great sin and also some worldly profit for the people but their sin is greater than their profit and ask you what they ought to spend, say you, 'that which is saved after your needs'. Thus, Allah explains to you His Signs so that you may do after reflecting,
220. The works of the world and the Hereafter. And they ask you, the precept about orphans. Say you, 'To do good to them is better, and if you intermix your and their expenses then they are your brothers; and Allah knows well the mischief-maker from the reformer. And had Allah so willed, He would have put you into hardship, no doubt, Allah is Mighty, Wise.
221. And marry not idolaters until they accept faith and no doubt, a Muslim bondman is better than an idolater is though she may please you. And give not in marriage to idolaters until they accept faith, and no doubt, a Muslim bondman is better than an idolater, though he may please you. They call towards Hell and Allah call towards Heaven and forgiveness by His Command and explain His Signs for the people so that they may accept admonition.
222. And they ask you the precept about menstruation. Say you: - that is a pollution, so keep away from women during menstruation and do not approach them until they are roach them until they are clean. Then when they are clean, go in unto them whence Allah has commanded you. No doubt, Allah likes the constant repentance and likes cleansers.
223. Your women are tilths for you, then come in your tilth as you will, and do first the work for your good, and remain fearing Allah and know that you are to meet Him. And O beloved! Give glad tidings to the believers.
224. And make not Allah the target of your oaths that you may take oath for not doing good and nor fearing Allah and nor making peace between men; and Allah Hears, Knows.
225. Allah does not call you to account for your such oaths as they come out from your tongs unintentionally, yes, He calls you to account for what your hearts have done, and Allah is Forgiving, For" bearing.
226. For those who swear off from going to their wives is an awaiting of four months; hence if they go back in this period, then Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.
227. And if you decide firmly to divorce, then Allah Hears, Knows.
228. And divorced women should keep their souls away till three menstruations, and it is not lawful to them that they conceal what Allah has created in their wombs. If they have faith in Allah and the Last Day. And their husbands have the right to take them back during that period provided they will to rejoin. And the women have rights similar to those over them according to law, and men have superiority over them and Allah is Dominant, Wise.
229. This divorce is for two times only; then is to retain with good or to release with kindness, and it is not allowed to you to take back something of what you have given to the women, but if both fear that they could not keep the limits of Allah. Then, if you fear that the Twain shall not remain just on the same limits then there is no sin on them for that with which the woman ransoms herself. These are the limits of Allah, do not transgress them, and whoso transgresses the limits of Allah, then they are the oppressors.
230. Then if she is divorced for the third time, then that women will not be lawful to him, until she lives with another husband, then if that second one divorces her, then there is no sin on the twain if they come together again, if they think that they will observe the limits of Allah, and these are the limits of Allah. He explains them for the learned.
231. And when you divorce women and their period are completed, then, till that time either retain them kindly or release them kindly, but there should not be retention to hurt them so that you may transgress the limit and whoso does this, he wrongs his own soul, and do not make jest of the signs of Allah and remember the favour of Allah upon you and the Book and Wisdom which He has sent down to you for admonishing you, and remain fearing Allah and know that Allah knows all things.
232. And when you divorce women and their period are completed, then O guardians of women! Prevent them not from marrying their husbands, when they agree among themselves according to law. This counsel is given to him who among you have faith in Allah and the Last Day. This is cleaner and purer for you, and Allah knows and you do not know.
233. And mothers should suckle their children for complete two years, for him who intends to complete the period of suckling, and to whom the child belongs, on him there is feeding and clothing of the women according to convention. No soul shall be burdened but within his capacity, the mother should not be made to suffer because of her child and nor father because of his child or (the mother should not make the child to suffer, and nor father to his child, and the same is incumbent on the father's heir. Then if the mother and father both try to wean by mutual consent and consultation, there is no sin on them; and if you wish that your children should be suckled by nurses, then too there is no blame on you, provided what was agreed to pay is paid by you with kindness, and remain fearing Allah and know that Allah is seeing your works.
234. And those of you who die and leave behind wives, they should keep themselves apart for a period of four months and ten days, then when they complete their period, then O guardians! There is no blame on you in anything, which the women do with regard to themselves according to law. And Allah is aware what you do.
235. And there is no sin on, you regarding this, that you sent offer of marriage to women by giving obscure hint or hold it in your hearts. Allah knows that now you will remember them. Yes, make not with them secret contract, but say that much only which is known in law. And do not resolve wedding-tie until the written term reaches to its period and know that Allah knows what is in your heart, then fear him and know that Allah is Forgiving, Forbearing
236. There is no any demand against you if you divorce the women while you have not touched them or have fixed any dower. And give them something to carry on with the men of resources according to his means and the poor according to his means some" thing to carry on with, this is incumbent on the well doers.
237. And if you divorced women without touching them and for them you had already fixed some dower, then what much was agreed half of it is incumbent but if the women forgo something or he gives more in whose hand is the tied of the marriage, and O men your giving more is nearer to' piety. And do not forget doing good to each other among! Your selves. No doubt, Allah is seeing your works.
238. Watch over all your prayers and the middle prayer and stand before Allah with devotion.
239. And if you are in fear then, on foot or riding, as you can, then when you are secure remember Allah as He taught you that which you did not know.
240. And those of you who die and leave behind them wives, they should bequeath for their women to provide them maintenance for a year without turning them out; then if they themselves leave, you are not accountable regarding any proper thing which they did in their matters and Allah is Dominant, Wise.
241. And for a divorced woman too there is proper maintenance, it is incumbent on the God fearing
242. Thus Allah explains His signs for you so that you may understand.
243. O beloved! Had you not seen those who came out from their homes and they were in thousands for fear of death? Then Allah said to them. "Die" and thereafter made them alive. No doubt, Allah is Gracious to people but most of the people are ungrateful.
244. And fight in the way of Allah and know that Allah Hears Knows.
245. Is there any who should give a goodly loan to Allah so that Allah may increase many times for him. And Allah scants and amplifies, and you are to return unto Him.
246. O Beloved! Did you not see a group of the children of Israel after Moosa? When they spoke to a prophet of theirs, 'raise for us a king that we may fight in the way of Allah'. The prophet told, 'Are your style like this that if the fighting is made obligatory on you, thereafter you may not fight'? Spoke they, 'what happened to us that we should not fight in the way of Allah whereas we have been driven away from our homeland and from our Children? But when fighting was made obligatory! On them, they turned their faces but a few of them, and Allah knows very well the, unjust.
247. And their prophet said to them. 'Verily Allah has sent Talut as your king.' Spoke they 'How can there be kingship of him over us, whereas we are more entitled for the kingship than he, and nor he has been given
abundance of wealth too'. Said the prophet "Allah has chosen him over you, and has increased him abundantly in knowledge and body, and Allah gives His kingdom to whom He will and Allah is All-Embracing All-knowing.
248. And their prophet said to them: 'the sign of his king ship is that there would come to you an ark in which there is ranquility of hearts from your Lord, and there are something left of the relics of the respectable Moosa and the respectable Haroon, the angels raising it would bring. No doubt, in it there is great sign for you if you believe
249. When Talut aparted taking the armies from the City spoke he: 'no doubt Allah is to test you with a stream. Then whoso drinks he is not mine, and whose drinks not, he is mine, but he who takes a sip with his hand, then all drank of it except a few of them. Again when Talut and the Muslim with him went across the stream spoke, 'we have no power against Jalut and his armies'. Those who were sure to meet Allah spoke, 'that often a small party has triumphed over a large party by Allah's Command, and Allah is with the steadfast.
250. Again when they came across Jalut and his armies, they submitted: 'O our Lord pour forth steadfastness upon us and make our steps firm, and help us against disbelieving people.
251. Then they routed them by the Command of Allah and Daud slew Jalut and Allah gave him Kingdom and wisdom and taught him what He pleased. And if Allah would not repel some of them by some others among people, then necessarily the earth, would have been ruined, but Allah is Munificent to entire, world.
252. These are the verses of. Allah, that O beloved! We recite correctly to you and you are no doubt one of the Messengers.
253. These are messengers! That in them We caused one to excel upon the other: to some of them Allah spoke: and some one is he who was raised high in degrees over-all, and We gave clear signs to Isa son of Marium and aided him with holy spirit and had Allah so willed, then those who came after them would not have fought among themselves after the clear signs had come to them. But they differed, some of them remained faithful and some became disbeliveers and if Allah so willed, they would not have fought; but Allah does whatever He desires.
254. O Believers! Spend in the way of Allah out of what We have given you before coming of the Day in which there is neither trafficking not friendship and nor intercession for infidels and the infidels are themselves the persons unjust.
255. Allah is; none is to be worshiped save Him, He is Himself Alive and Sustainer of others. Slumber seizes Him not, nor sleep. To Him belongs whatsoever is in the heavens and whatsoever in the earth. Who is he that would intercede with Him save by His leave. Knows He what is before them and what is behind them and they get nothing of His knowledge save what He desires. The heaven and earth are contained in His Throne and their guarding is not a burden for Him and He is the only Exalted, the Supreme.
256. There is no compulsion in religion; no doubt the virtuous path has become clearly distinct from the erring; then whoso does not accept devil and believes in Allah, he grasped a very firm knot which is never to open and Allah Hears and Knows.
257. Allah is the Protector of Muslims; brings them out from darkness towards light and the supporters of infidels are devils, and they bring them forth from light towards darkness. They are the people of hell, they are to abide therein.
258. O Beloved (Prophet)! Had you not seen him who quarrelled with Ibrahim about his Lord because Allah gave him Kingdom? When Ibrahim said, my Lord is He who gives life and causes death, said he, 'I give life and cause death'. Ibrahim said, 'Well, Allah brings sun from East: bring it you from the West. 'Thereupon the
infidels were confounded and Allah guides not the unjust people.
259. Or like him who passed by a town and it was laid down fallen upon its roofs. Spoke he, 'How Allah shall give life to it after its death. Then Allah kept him died for a hundred years; then gave him life. Said, He! 'How long you stayed here, submitted he 'I would have stayed a full day or a little less.' He said, 'No you have passed a hundred years, and look at your food and drink; they are not stinked as yet and look at your ass whose bones even are not safe. And this is that We may make you a sign for the people. And look at these bones how, We set them up, then cover them with flesh. When this matter became clear to him, said, 'I know very well that Allah is Potent over all things.
260. And when Ibrahim submitted, 'O my Lord, show me how You shall give life to the dead.' Said He, 'do you not believe.' Submitted he, 'why not, but I like that my heart may be at rest. 'Said He, 'then well, taking four birds, make them familiar to you, then put a part of each of them on each hill, thereafter call them they will come to you running with their feet. And know that Allah is Mighty, Wise.
261. The example of those who spend their wealth in the way of Allah is like that of a grain which caused to grow seven ears and in each ear one hundred grains and Allah may increase more than that for whomsoever He pleases; and Allah is Bountiful, All-knowing.
262. Those who spend their wealth in the way of Allah, then after spending neither boast of favours conferred nor
injure, their reward is with their Lord, and they shall have no fear, nor any grief.
263. To speak kind word and to forgive is better than that; charity followed by injury. And Allah is above want, Clement.
264. O Believers! Void not your charities by boasting of your favours conferred and injuring, like him who spent his wealth for showing to people and believes not in Allah and Last Day. Then the example of him is like that of a smooth rock on which is dust of earth; now a heavy rain fell upon it leaving it a bare stone. They shall have no control on anything of what they have earned and Allah guides not the infidels.
265. And the example of those who spend their wealth in seeking the pleasure of Allah and for strengthening their hearts is like that garden which is on an elevated ground; a heavy rain fell upon it then it brought forth its
fruits two fold; again if a heavy rain reaches it not, then dew suffices. And Allah is seeing what you do.
266. Would any one of you like it that he would have a garden of dates and grapes beneath which rivers would have been flowing; for him, there is every kind of fruit in it, and old age came to him and he has weak children, then came a whirlwind on it in which there was fire, so it was burnt? Thus Allah explains to you His signs, so that you may ponder.
267. O Believers! Give something of your pure earnings and of what We produce from the earth for you; and intend not to give especially vile of it, whereas if you get of it, you will not accept unless you close your eyes in it. And know that Allah is free of all wants, Praiseworthy.
268. The devil dreads you of destitution and commands you of lewdness, and Allah promises you forgiveness and abundance. And Allah is All-Embracing All-Knowing.
269. Allah grants wisdom to whom He pleases and he who got wisdom indeed got abundant good; and none
accepts counsel but men of under" standing.
270. And whatsoever you spend or vows Allah knows it and the unjust have no helpers.
271. If you give charity openly then what a good thing it is; and if you give to beggars hidingly it is better for you than every thing, and He will remove some of your sins. And Allah is Aware of what you do.
272. To guide them is not your responsibility; yes Allah guides whomsoever He pleases. And whatsoever good thing you give it is for your own good, and it is not proper for you to spend but for seeking pleasure of Allah and whatever of wealth you give, you will get back in full and you shall not be wronged.
273. For those beggars who are detained in the way of Allah, they cannot move about in the earth. The ignorant man thinks them wealthy because of their restraint. You shall recognise them from their faces; they do not beg of men importunately. And whatever you give in charity Allah knows it.
274. Those who spend their wealth (in charity) in the night and in the day secretly and openly. They have their reward with their Lord. There is neither any fear nor any grief to them.
275. Those who devour interest shall not stand on the Day of judgement, but like the standing of one whom the evil spirit has by touching made mad. This is because they said 'The trade too is like interest,' and Allah made trade lawful and made interest unlawful. So he, who received admonition from his Lord and refrained, then whatever he took before is lawful to him, and his affair is with Allah. And now whoever shall commit such. Fault, they are men of hell, they will live therein for longer period.
276. Allah destroys interest and increases charity and Allah loves not any ungrateful big sinner.
277. No doubt, those who accepted faith and did good deeds and established prayer and paid the Zakat, (poor-due) their reward is with their Lord and there is neither any fear nor any grief to them.
278. O Believers! Fear Allah and leave what remains of interest if you are Muslims.
279. But if you do not do like this, then be sure of war from Allah and the Messenger of Allah. And if you repent then take your principal sums, neither you wrong any one nor be wronged yourselves.
280. And if the debtor is a man in hardship then give him time till it is easy, and to remit the debt fully is better for you if you know.
281. And fear the day in which you shall be made to return to Allah and shall every soul be paid in full what it has earned and they shall not be wronged.
282. O Believers! When you enter in the transaction of any debt for a fixed period, then write it down. And a scribe should write between you justly; and the scribe should not refuse to write as he has been taught by Allah, then he should write and let him on whom. The liability falls dictate and fear Allah Who is his Lord and leaves not behind something out of the liability. Then again he on whom liability falls be of low understanding or be weak or be unable to dictate; then let his guardian dictate justly. And make two witnesses from among your men, then if two men be not available then a man and two women such witnesses, as you like, so that either of the two women errs in memory, then the other may remind to that one. And when the witnesses are called, they should not refuse to come. And do not take it as a burden, the liability be it small or big, write it down along with its fixed period. It is juster in the sight of Allah, in it the evidence will be more suitable and it is nearer to it that you may not be in doubt; save a ready merchandise which you give or take from hand to hand, there is no sin on you, if you write it not. And when you trade, make witnesses. And neither any scribe be harmed nor the witness (or neither the scribe do harm nor the witness). And if you do such then it would be your insubordination. And fear Allah and Allah teaches you and Allah knows everything.
283. And if you are on a journey, and you find not a scribe then let there be pledge with possession. And if in between you one entrusts the other, then let he whom he trusted deliver his trust and fear Allah Who is his
Lord and conceal not evidence; and whosoever would conceal evidence, then his heart is sinful from inside,
and Allah knows your deeds.
284. To Allah belongs what" ever is in the heaven and whatever is in the earth; and if you disclose whatever is in your heart or keep it hidden, Allah will call you to account for it; then He will forgive whomsoever He pleases and punish whomsoever He pleases, and Allah is Potent over every thing.
285. The Messenger believed in that which was sent down to him from his Lord and the believers all accepted Allah and His angels and His Books and His messengers saying this, 'that we do not differentiate in the matter of having faith in any of His messengers' and submitted that we heard and obeyed. Let there be your forgiveness, O our Lord! And to you is our return.
286. Allah places not burden on any soul but to the extent of his strength whatever good it earned is useful for it and whatever bad it earned is a loss for it. O our Lord! Catch not us if we forget or miss the mark! O our Lord! And place not heavy burden on us as you had placed on those before us. O our Lord! Put not that burden on us of which we have no strength to bear! And pardon us and forgive and have mercy on us. You are our Master; then help us against the infidels.

Happy Happy