Wednesday, 27 November 2013

Surah An-Nahl (The Bee)

Surah Number 16, An-Nahl (The Bee)<Part-1>
English Translation 
Revealed at Makkah
Total Verses  = 128

ALLAH in the name of The Most Affectionate, the Merciful.
1. Now comes the Command of Allah, therefore, ask not to hasten it. Holy is He and is exalted above all the
2. He sends down the angels with the spirit of faith that is the revelation on whomsoever of His bondmen He
pleases. 'Warn that none to be worshipped save Me. then fear Me.
3. He created the heavens and earth rightly. He is far high above from their associates.
4. He created man from a purified drop; therefore, he is an open disputer.
5. And created cattle, In them, there is warm costume and there are profits, and of them, you eat.
6. And there is beauty in them for you, when you bring them back in the evening and when you leave them for
7. And they carry your loads to a city, which you could not reach but being heavily tired. No doubt, your Lord is
most Kind, Merciful.
8. And horses and mules and asses that you may ride upon them and for adornment And He will create what you
know not.
9. And the middle path is rightly upto Allah and some path is crooked. And had He willed, He would have guided
you all together.
10. It is He Who sent down water from the heaven, there is drink therefrom for you, and from which are trees by
which you pastures.
11. With this water, He causes to grow for you crops and olives and dates and grapes and fruits of every kind. No
doubt. In it, there is sign for a people who ponder.
12. And He has made subservient for you. The night and the day and the sun and the moon. And the stars are
subservient by His Command. No doubt. In it, there are signs for the wise people.
13. And that which He has created for you of various kinds in the land. No doubt. In it, there is sign for a people
who remember.
14. And it is He Who has made the sea subservient for you. That you eat fresh flesh from it and bring forth from it
ornaments which you wear. And you see boats cleaving through it. And that you seek of His bounty and that
haply you may be grateful to Him.
15. And He has set up anchors in the earth. Lest it may shake with you and rivers and roads that, you may get
16. And way marks. And by the stars, they find the way.
17. Will then He who creates become like him who creates not? Do you not then accept admonition?
18. And if you count the favours of Allah, you would not be able to number them, No doubt. Allah is Forgiving,
19. And Allah knows that what you conceal and what you reveal.
20. And those whom they worship besides Allah create nothing but they are themselves created.
21. They are dead. Not alive. And they do not know nor when the people will be raised.
22. Your God is one God then those who believe not in hereafter, their hearts deny, and they are proud.
23. In fact, Allah knows what they hide and what they declare. Undoubtedly, He likes not the proud ones.
24. And when it is said to them What has your Lord sent down' they say 'Tales of the ancients.'
25. That they may bear their loads in full on the Day of Judgment and also some loads of those whom they misled
by their ignorance. Hear! What an evil load they bear.
26. No doubt, those before them had plotted against them, and then Allah brought down their structure from the
foundation. Then the roof fell down on them from above. And the torment came to them whence they were
not aware.
27. Then on the Day of Judgment He will disgrace them and will say 'where are those my associates, regarding
whom you used to dispute.' The men of knowledge will say 'today all disgrace and vice are upon the infidels.'
28. Those lives are taken out by the angels while they were wronging themselves. Now they will offer submission
that we were not doing any evil. Yes why not. Beyond doubt, Allah knows well what they used to do.
29. Now enter the gates of Hell, abide in it forever. Then what an evil abode of the proud ones.
30. And it was said to the God fearing 'What is that your Lord sent down' they said good for those who did good in
this world. is good And undoubtedly the home of the Hereafter is best. And necessarily, what an excellent
abode of the God fearing.
31. Gardens of abode, which they will enter. Streams running beneath, they will get Therein what they wish. Allah
thus recompenses the duty bound.
32. Those, whose lives are taken out by angles while they are pure, saying, 'Peace be upon you.' enter paradise for
what you did.
33. What for they are waiting, but that the angels should come to them or the torment of your Lord should come.
Thus did those before them. And Allah oppressed them not yes they wronged their own souls.
34. Then their evil earnings befell them and surrounded them that they used to mock at.
35. And the polytheists said, 'had Allah willed, we would not have worshipped anything save Him, neither we nor
our fathers' nor we would have forbidden anything apart from Him thus did those before them; then what is on
the messengers, but to deliver clearly.
36. And no doubt, We sent a messenger in every nation (saying) that 'Worship Allah, and avoid the devil (Satan)
then some of them were guided by Allah and upon some of them astraying came rightly. Therefore travel in
the land and behold. How was the end of those who belied.
37. If you are eager for their guidance, then undoubtedly Allah guides not him who has been sent astray and they
have no helper.
38. And they swear by Allah with the utmost endeavor in their oaths that Allah will not raise the deadness, yes
why, the true promise is on Him but most people know not.
39. In order that He may tell them plainly that in which they used to dispute and in order that, the infidels should
know that they were liars.
40. Anything we intend, our saying to it is that We say 'Be' it becomes atones.
41. And those who left their homes and hearths in the way of Allah being oppressed. We shall surely give them
good place in the world. And undoubtedly, the reward of the Hereafter is much greater; anyhow, people would
have known.
42. Those who have kept patience, and rely only on their Lord..
43. And We sent not before you Any but men to whom We reveal then O people! ask the men of knowledge if you
know not.
44. With clear arguments and Books. And O' Beloved! We sent down to you the Remembrance that you may
explain to people what was sent down to them and that haply they may ponder.
45. Do then, those who devise evil plans not fear that Allah may sink them in the earth, or the torment may come
to them from whence they know not?
46. Or that He may seize them while going to and fro, because they can not tire Him.
47. Or that He may catch them by a process of slow wastage. No doubt, your Lord is very Kind, Merciful.
48. And have they not observed that whatever Allah has made, their shadows turn right and left prostrating to
Allah and they are abased before Allah?
49. And to Allah, prostrate all that is in the heavens and all that are crawling in the earth and the angels (too) and
they do not boast.
50. They fear their Lord above them and do what they are commanded. [^] (SAJDA) 3.
51. And Allah has said take not two gods.' He is only one God to be worshipped and therefore fear Me alone.
52. And whatever is in the heavens and earths His only and only His obedience is incumbent. Will you then fear
any other than Allah?
53. And whatever good thing you have is all from Allah then touches you for shelter.
54. Then when He removes evil from you, then a group of you begins to associate others with their Lord.
55. That they may be ungrateful to what Good, We have bestowed them. Then enjoy a little, but soon you will
come to know.
56. And they appoint a portion out of what We have provided them for unknown things. By Allah'. You are surely
to be questioned as to what you used to forge.
57. And they appoint daughters for Allah, Holy is He, and for themselves, they have what they desire.
58. And when the good tiding of the birth of a daughter is conveyed to any of them, then his face remains black all
along the day, and he suppresses his anger.
59. He hides himself from the people, because of the evil of this good tiding. Shall he keep it with disgrace or bury
it in the dust? Lo! very bad, they judge.
60. The condition of those who believe not in the Hereafter is evil one' and the glory of Allah is Loftiest. And He is
the Honorable, Wise.
61. And if Allah would have seized people for their wrong doings, then He would have left no crawling creature on
earth, but He defers them till a time fixed, then when their term will come, they can not remain behind a single
hour, nor can they go ahead of it.
62. And they appoint for Allah what they themselves dislike and their tongues tell lie that for them is good. Then
undoubtedly, for them is the fire. And they are the persons who have crossed the limit.
63. By Allah' We have sent messengers to many nations before you, then the devil (Satan) made their works
beautiful in their eyes so he is their companion this day and for them is the torment painful.
64. And We have not sent down this Book to you but in order that you may make clear to them that about which
they differ, and a guidance and mercy for the believers.
65. And Allah sent down water from the heaven then gave life to earth by it after its death. Undoubtedly, there is a
sign in it for those who have ears.

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