Friday, 22 November 2013

Surah Al-Baqarah (Part-2)

Surah Number 2: Al-Baqarah (The Cow) Part-2
Revealed at Madinah
Total Verses = 286

ALLAH in the name of The Most Affectionate, the Merciful.
72. And when you shed blood, then began accusing for it each other and Allah was to disclose what you were
73. Then We said, "strike with a part of that cow to the slain. Allah thus will give life to the dead and shows you
His Signs, so that you may understand.
74. Then, thereafter your hearts hardened, then they are like stones, but harder than these; and of stones there
are some from which rivers gush forth and some are those which split, then water comes therefrom and there
are some which fall down for fear of Allah, and Allah is not unmindful of your doings.
75. Then O Muslims! Do you covet that the Jews would believe you? And one group of them was that which used
to hear the words of Allah, then used to pervert it knowingly after having understood it.
76. And when they meet Muslims, they say, 'we accepted the faith', and when they are alone among themselves,
then they say, "Do you explain to Muslims that knowledge which Allah disclosed to you, that they thereby
argue with you before your Lord. Have you no wisdom?
77. Do they not know that Allah knows all that they conceal and all that they disclose?
78. And some of them are illiterate who do not know the Book, but oral reading or their own false notions and they
are in mere supposition.
79. Then there is woe for them who write the Book with their own hands and then say, "this is from Allah", so that
they may gain small price in lieu of it. Then there is woe for them for the writings of their own hands and woe
to them for such earning.
80. And they said, "the fire shall not touch us except for numbered days", Say then, have you taken a promise
from Allah, then Allah, will never break His Promise. Or you say about Allah that which you do not know.
81. Aye, why not, who so earns vice and his sin encompasses him, he is one among the people of the hell, they
have to remain therein forever.
82. And those, who accepted faith and did good works. They are the people of Paradise. They have to remain
therein forever.
83. And when We took covenant from the children of Israel that worship none save Allah and do good to parents
and to kindred, and orphans and the needy and speak good to people and establish prayer and pay the poordue
(Zakat); then you turned back, except a few among you and you are back-sliders.
84. And when We took a covenant from you, that shed no blood of your own and turn not out your own people
from your own towns, then you affirmed it and you are witnesses.
85. Then it is you who began slaying your own people and turn out a group of your own people from their
homeland, provide help to (their opponents) against them in sin and transgression, and if they come to you as
captive, you ransom them, and their expulsion is unlawful for you. Do you then have faith on some
commandments of God and refuse some other. Then whose of you do such, what is the reward of it, save
disgrace in the world, and on the day of Resurrection, they shall be driven towards severest torment, and Allah
is not unaware of your doings.
86. These are the people who purchased the life of the world for the life of Hereafter, so neither the torment shall
be lightened from over them nor they shall be helped.
87. And verily, We gave Moses the Book and after him send Messengers one after another, repeatedly, and gave
clear signs to Jesus son of Mary and helped him with the Holy Spirit. Then, do you grow arrogant; when any
Messenger came to you with what your soul desires not? So belie you a group of them (Prophets) and slay
another group.
88. The Jews said, "our hearts are wrapped with covers, Nay Allah cursed them because of their blasphemy, so
little of them accept faith.
89. And when there came to them, that Book (Quran) of Allah, which confirms the Book (Taurat) with them, and
before that they were asking for victory over the infidels by means of the same prophet. Then, when came to
them that known and recognised one, they rejected him. So Allah's curse on those who reject.
90. They sold their souls, for what a miserable price that they deny what Allah has sent down, with this jealousy
that, Allah of His grace send revelation on whomsoever of His devotees He pleases. Thus they became worthy
of wrath upon wrath and there is humiliating torment for the infidels.
91. And when it is said to them, "Have faith in what Allah has sent down," then they say, 'We have faith in what
has been sent down to us and reject the rest, though it is the truth confirming what is with them. Say you,
'why did you then kill former prophets, if you had faith upon your Book'?
92. And assuredly, Moses came to you with clear signs, then after that you made the calf a god and you were
93. And recall, when We took a covenant from you and raised above your heads the mountain Tur, hold what We
give to you with firmness and listen. They said, 'We heard and did not accept,' and the calf was permeating in
their hearts because of their infidelity. Say then! 'What a vile command is given to you by your faith, if at all
you have faith'.
94. Say you: 'if the last home near Allah be for you solely, not for others, then well long for death, if you are
95. And they will never long for it ever, because of their evil deeds, which they have done before, and Allah knows
the unjust well.
96. And undoubtedly, you will find them that they are necessarily most covetous of life even more than of all the
people. And of idolaters, one is desirous of having a life of thousand years, and that will not keep him away
from the torment, even being granted such life. And Allah is seeing their doings.
97. Say you, 'whoever be the enemy of Jibril- then he (Jibril) caused to descend on your heart this Quran by the
Command of Allah, Confirming the former Books, and there is guidance and glad tidings to Muslims'.
98. Whoever be the enemy of Allah and His angels and His Messengers and Jibril and Mikael, then Allah is the
enemy of infidels.
99. And undoubtedly, We sent down towards you manifest Signs; and none would be denying them but the
100. And is it that whenever they enter into a covenant, one party of them throws it out' Nay; most of them have no
101. And when came to them a Messenger from Allah confirming their Books. A party of the people of the Book
threw away the Book of Allah behind their backs, as if they had no knowledge.
102. And they followed that which was being recited by the devils in the reign of Suleman and Suleman did not
disbelieve, yes; the devils disbelieved. They teach magic to people and that (Magic) which was sent down unto
the two angels Harut & Marut in Babel. But both did teach nothing to anyone till they did not say this, "We are
nothing but trial", then do not therefore lose your faith. They learnt that from them by which they might cause
separation between man and his wife, and they can not harm anyone, but by the command of Allah. And they
learn that which will harm them, and will not profit. And undoubtedly, they know that one who took this trade,
has no share in the hereafter and undoubtedly, what the evil thing is that for which they sold their souls, had
they known!
103. And if they had accepted faith and kept themselves aloof from sins, then there is better reward from Allah, had
they known.
104. O Men of faith do not say. Raina, but say humbly, respected Sir. "Look upon us" and from very beginning listen
carefully, and for the disbeliveers is a grievous torment.
105. Those who are infidels, whether people of the book or idolaters, do not desire that any good should be sent
down to you from your Lord and Allah chooses for His Mercy, whomsoever He pleases, and Allah is of
Exceeding Bounty.
106. When any verse We abrogate or cause to be forgotten, then shall bring one better or the like thereof. Do you
not know that Allah can do all and every thing?
107. Do you not know that the sovereignty of heavens and earth is only for Allah and beside Allah, you have neither
any supporter nor helper?
108. Do you wish to question your Messenger as Moses was questioned before and whoever exchanges faith for
unbelief, he rightly has gone astray from the right path?
109. Many of the people of the Book desired, had you been turned back towards infidelity after faith! Out of sheer
envy of their hearts, after it that the truth has become manifest unto them, so leave them and overlook, till
Allah brings His command. Undoubtedly Allah is powerful over every thing.
110. And keep up the prayer and pay Zakat (poor due) and whatever good you shall send forth for your souls, you
shall find it with Allah. Undoubtedly Allah is seeing your doings.
111. And the people of the Book spoke, 'None shall enter paradise, but he who be a Jew or Christian. These are
their vain desires. Say, you 'Bring your proof, if you are truthful'.
112. Yes, why not, who submitted his face for Allah and is the doer of good, then his reward is with his Lord and
they have neither any fear nor any grief.
113. And the Jews spoke, '`The Christians are nothing," and Christians spoke; "The Jews are nothing," though they
read the Book. Even thus the illiterates said the like of their saying. Then Allah will judge between them on the
Day of Judgement regarding that wherein they are disputing.
114. Who is more unjust than he who prevents the mosques of Allah from being mentioned the name of Allah, and
strives to ruin them, it was not proper for them to enter the mosques but with fear. For them, there is disgrace
in the world and for them, there is great torment in the hereafter.
115. And east and west all is for Allah, then whichever side you turn your face there is the face of Allah (The mercy
of Allah inclined towards you). Undoubtedly Allah is all Embracing, all Knowing.
116. And they say 'Allah has taken unto Himself a son', sanctity is for Him. Nay, whatever is in the heavens and is in
the earth is His possession. All are unto Him subservient.
117. The Originator of the heavens and the earth, and when He decrees any thing, then says to it only, 'Be and it
becomes at once."
118. And the illiterates spoke, 'Why Allah speaks not to us or any sign is being given to us. Likewise said those
before them, similar to their saying. The hearts of these people and of those are alike. Undoubtedly, We
manifested the signs for the persons of firm faith.
119. Assuredly, We have sent you with the truth; bearer of glad tidings and a Warner and you shall not be
questioned about the inmates of Hell.
120. And never the Jews and Christians will be pleased with you unless you follow their Din (creed). Say then! 'The
guidance of Allah is the only guidance', (O listener who he may be) if you become follower of their desires,
after the knowledge that has come to you, then no one will be your protector from Allah and no helper.
121. Those who have been given the Book by Us, they recite it as it ought to be, they alone have faith unto it and
those who disbelieve it, they alone are the losers.
122. O Children of Yaqoob! Remember My favour which I bestowed upon you and that I exalted you above all
people of that period.
123. And fear the day when no soul shall be a substitute for another and nor it shall be freed for any compensation,
and nor any intercession will profit the infidels and nor will they be helped.
124. And when his Lord tested Ibrahim with certain words then he fulfilled them. Said He "I am to make you leader
of the people," submitted he" and from my off springs". Said He, "My covenant does not reach to the unjust".
125. And recall! When We made this house a place of assembly for the people and a place of safety, and make the
station of Ibrahim a place of prayer and We enjoined strictly upon Ibrahim and Ismail to purify well My house
for those who go around it and those who stay therein for devotion and those who bow down and prostrate.
126. And when Ibrahim submitted "O my Lord make this City a region of peace and feed the inhabitants of it with
varied fruits to such of them who believe in Allah and the Last Day,' said He, "and who became unbeliever, to
him also I will give a little to use, and then shall force him towards the torment of the hell and that is an evil
place of return.
127. And when Ibrahim was raising the foundations of this house and Ismail (too) praying, O Our Lord accept from
us, undoubtedly, You alone Hear and Know'.
128. 'O Our Lord! Make us submissive to You and of our offspring a nation submissive to You, tell us our ways of
worship, and turn to us with Your mercy. Surely, You alone are most Relenting and Merciful.
129. 'O Our Lord, and send in them a messenger from among themselves, who may recite to them Your signs and
teach them Your Book and wise knowledge and may purify them well. Surely, You are alone the Predominant,
the Wise.
130. And who will turn his face from the religion of Ibrahim, save one who is a foolish in heart, and undoubtedly,
We necessarily, chose him in the world and surely he is among the people having ability to gain Our special
proximity in the hereafter.
131. When his Lord said to him, "Surrender", submitted he, 'I surrendered to Him, Who is the Lord of all the worlds'.
132. And Ibrahim left the legacy of the same religion to his sons and Yaqoob too; that 'O my sons, surely Allah has
chosen this religion for you, therefore die not, but as Muslim.
133. On the contrary, some of you were present, when death came to Yaqoob, when he said to his sons, 'whom you
will worship after me', said they 'we shall worship He Who is your God and of your fathers Ibrahim and Ismail
and Ishaque, the one God and to Him we have submitted ourselves'.
134. This is a community that has passed away, for them what they earned and for you are what you earn and you
shall not be questioned for their deeds.
135. And the people of the book spoke, 'Be Jews or Christians, you will get guidance'. Say you, 'on the contrary, we
take the religion of Ibrahim who was away from every falls-hood and was not among the polytheists'.
136. Say like this, 'we believe in Allah and what has been sent down towards us and what was sent down on
Ibrahim and Ismail and Ishaque and Yaqoob and on his son and what was given to Moses and Christ and what
was given to the rest of the prophets from their Lord: we do not differentiate between any of them in the
matter of faith and we have submitted ourselves to Allah.
137. Then if they believe too, as you have believed then they are guided, and if they turn back their faces, then they are but in total schism. So, O beloved, prophet! Soon Allah will suffice you on behalf of them. He is alone
Hearing and Knowing.
138. We took the dye of Allah and whose dye is better than Allah and We worship Him alone.
139. Say you! 'Do you dispute about Allah, though He is our Lord and yours too; and our doings are with us and
your doings with you, and we belong totally to Him alone.
140. On the contrary, you say like this, that Ibrahim, and Ismail and Ishaque and Yaqoob and his sons were Jews or
Christians; say then, 'have you more knowledge or Allah,' and who is more unjust than he who conceals' the
testimony and Allah is not unmindful of your doings.
141. That is a community that has passed away, for them is their earning and for you is your earning and you shall
not be questioned of their works.
142. Now the fools will say: 'who has turned the Muslims from their Qibla on which they had been? Say you: 'East
and West all belong to Allah; He guides whom He likes to the right path.
143. And thus We made you exalted among all nations that you may be witnesses to the people and this Messenger
your guard and witness. And O, beloved! We had not made that Qibla upon which you had been before, but to
see who follows the Messenger and who turns back upon his heals. And verily, indeed it was hard, but to those
who were guided by Allah. And it does not behave Allah that He might waste your faith: Verily Allah is very
Kind and Merciful to human beings.

Happy Happy