Friday, 22 November 2013

Surah Al-Baqarah (Part -1)

Surah Number 2, Al-Baqarah (The Cow) Part-1
Revealed at Madinah
Total Verses : 286

ALLAH in the name of The Most Affectionate, the Merciful.
1. Alif-Lam Mim (Individual Letters of Arabic Alphabet).
2. That high ranked Book (Quran) whereof there is no place of doubt, in it there is guidance to the God-fearing.
3. Who believe without seeing, and establish prayer and spend in Our path, out of Our provided subsistence.
4. And who believe in what has been sent down towards you, O beloved prophet! And what has been sent down
before you and are convinced of the Last Day.
5. They alone are on the guidance from their Lord and they alone are the gainers.
6. Surely, as to those who are destined to infidelity, it is alike whether you warn them or warn them not, they will
never believe.
7. Allah has set a seal on their hearts and on their ears, and over their eyes there is a dark covering, and for them
is great torment.
8. And some people say, 'We have believed in Allah and the Last Day' yet they are not to believe.
9. They seek to deceive Allah and the believers, and in fact, they deceive not but their own souls, and they
perceive not.
10. In their hearts is a disease, so Allah has increased their disease and for them is a painful torment, the
recompense of their lies.
11. And when it is said to them, create not disorder on the earth, they say, 'we are but reformats'.
12. Be-ware! It is they who are the mischief-makers, but they perceive not.
13. And when it is said to them 'believe as others have believed,' they say, 'shall we believe as fools', believe,
Beware! It is they who are the fools, but they do not know.
14. And when they meet believers, they say, 'we believe', and when they are alone with their devils, they say, 'we
are with you, we are only mocking'.
15. Allah mocks at them (Befitting His Dignity) and leaves them to wander about in their contumacy.
16. They are those people who purchased error for guidance but their trade earned them no profit, and they
indeed knew not the way of trading.
17. Their example is like the one who kindled a fire, so when it lit up all around him, Allah took away their light and
left them in darkness where nothing is seen.
18. Deaf, Dumb, blind, so they are not to return.
19. Or like a rain pouring from the sky. Wherein is darkness and thunder and lightning, they thrust fingers in their
ears because of the thunderclaps for fear of death and Allah has encompassed the disbeliveers.
20. It so "seems that the lightning, would snatch away the, sights whenever there is some flashing they walk
therein and when it is dark, they stand still, and if Allah willed He would have taken away their ears and sights,
surely Allah can do everything.
21. O Mankind! Worship your Lord Who has created you and those before you, haply you may become pious.
22. And Who made the earth a bed for you, and the sky a structure and caused water to come down from heaven
hence brought forth therewith some fruits for your food, therefore do not set up equals for Allah knowingly.
23. And if you are in some doubt, concerning what We sent down upon Our special devotee, then bring one
chapter like it, and call upon all your helpers beside Allah, if you are truthful.
24. Then if you cannot bring and We declare that you can never bring, hence dread the fire whose fuel is men and
stones, is prepared for the disbeliveers.
25. And give glad tidings to those who accepted faith and did good deeds, that for them there are gardens under
which flow streams. Whenever they would be provided with a fruit to eat, they would say seeing its shape this
is the same substance which we got before and that was given to them resembling in shape, and for them
there are pure mates and therein they will abide for ever.
26. Surely, Allah not ashamed of describing any thing for illustration, be it a gnat or above it, hence those who
accepted faith, they know that it is the truth from their Lord, and those who are disbeliveers they say, "What
does Allah mean by such a similitude". Allah sends astray many by it and guides many and Bends astray those
by it who are disobedient
27. Those who break the covenant of Allah after its confirmation and sever that which Allah ordered to join and
spread disorder in the earth, they are the only losers.
28. How you will disbelieve in Allah, whereas, you were dead, He gave you life, then will cause you to die then
again will give you life, then towards Him you will return.
29. He it is Who created for you all that is in the earth, then turned toward the heaven, then formed seven
heavens correctly and He knows all and every thing.
30. And recall when your Lord said to the Angels, I am about to place a vice-generate in the earth, they said, "will
You place such who will spread disorder and shed blood'? And We praise You commending You and sanctify
You; He told, 'I know what you know not'.
31. And Allah the Exalted taught the names of all things to Adam. Then presenting all shines before the Angels
said, "Tell the names of these, if you are truthful."
32. They said 'Sanctity to You", We know nothing, but what You Taught us, no doubt, You alone are the Knower
and the Wise.
33. He "said, "O Adam tell them the names of all shines, when Adam had informed them of the names of all, He
told, had I not told you that I know all the hidden things of the beavers and earth, and I know whatever you
disclose and whatever you hide.
34. And recall, when We ordered the angels to prostrate before Adam, then all prostrated save Iblis. He refused,
boasted, and became disbeliever.
35. And We said, "O Adam dwell you and your wife in this (paradise) and eat freely thereof where you will but do
not approach this tree lest you become of the transgressors.
36. Then Satan made them slip and got them out from the place where they lived, and We said, "get down, one of
you is the enemy of the other and you have to stay in the earth and to make use of it for a time.
37. Then Adam learnt certain words from his Lord so Allah accepted his penitence. Surely, He is the alone most
Relenting, Merciful.
38. We said, "you all get down from the paradise then if any guidance comes to you from Me, then who-so-ever
followed My guidance, they have no fear nor any grieve.
39. And those who disbelieve and shall belie My signs, they are the people of the hell, they have to live in it
40. O Children of Yaqoob recall My, that favor which I bestowed upon you and fulfill My covenant, I shall fulfill your
covenant and dread Me alone.
41. And believe in what I sent down confirming that which is with you and be not the first rejecter of it and accept
not small price for My signs and dread Me alone.
42. And confound not the truth with falsehood and conceal not the truth knowingly.
43. And establish prayer and pay the Zakat (Poor due) and bow with those who bow.
44. Do you order righteousness to mankind and forget yourselves whereas you read the Book? Then, have you no
45. And seek help in patience and prayer, and surely, the prayer is hard indeed save to those, who lean towards
Me with their hearts.
46. Who are sure that they have to meet their Lord and to return unto Him alone.
47. O Children of Yaqoob recall My favor, which I bestowed upon you, and exalted you over the entire world in
your time.
48. And fear the day, when no soul shall be a substitute for another, and nor any Intercession be accepted for the
infidels and nor his soul be freed for any compensations and nor shall they be helped.
49. And recall when We delivered you from the Pharaoh's people that afflicted you with grievous torment,
slaughtering your sons and keeping your daughters alive and in this, there was a great trial or great reward
from your Lord.
50. And when We divided the river for you then saved you and drowned pharaohs' people before your eyes.
51. And We made a promise of forty night' with Moses, then after him, you began worshipping a calf and you were
52. Then We pardoned you after that, so that you might be grateful.
53. And when We gave the Book to Moses and Criterion to judge between right and wrong, so that you might be
on right path.
54. And when Moses said to his people, "O my people, you have do" injustice to your souls by taking the Calf, turn
therefore towards your Creator then kill amongst your selves each other. That is better for you with your
Creator, so He accepted your penitence. Surely, He is alone the most Relenting, Merciful.
55. And when you said, "O Moses, we shall never believe you, until we see Allah manifestly, then the thunder bolt
overtook you, while you were looking.
56. Then We made you alive after your death, so that you might be grateful.
57. And We made cloud your shade and sent down on you Manna and Salwa, eat of Our good things, provided by
Us, and they did no harm to Us, yes they had harmed their own souls.
58. And when We said, "Go into this town, then eat freely there from wherever you will, and enter the gate
prostrating and say, 'forgive our sins', We shall forgive your sins end it is possible that more be given to the
right doers.
59. Then the unjust changed the words beside that which had been told, so We sent down upon them a scourge
from heaven, in lieu of their disobedience.
60. And when Moses asked water for his people, then We said, "Strike this rock with your staff," atone, there
gushed forth twelve springs therefrom. Each group knew its drinking place. Eat and drink of what Allah has
provided and do not wander in the earth raising mischief.
61. And when you said, "O Moses, we will not remain content with one food, pray then to your Lord, that He bring
forth for us of what the earth grows, some vegetables and cucumbers and wheat and lentils and onions," said,
"Do you demand inferior thing in exchange of the superior?" Well get down in Egypt or in any city, there you
shall get that which you demanded, and humiliation and poverty were stamped upon them and drew-in the
wrath of Allah. This was in lieu of their refusal of the Signs of Allah and slaying the prophets unjustly. This was
due to their disobedience and transgression.
62. Surely, those who believe, and the Jews and the Christians and the Sabians, whoever have faith with true
hearts in Allah and in the Last-day and do good deeds, their reward is with their Lord, and there shall he no
fear for them nor any grief.
63. And when We took a covenant from you and raised high above you the mount Toor, hold firmly to what We
give you, and remember what is therein, in the hope that you may become God-fearing.
64. Then you turned back thereafter, so if there had been no Grace of Allah and His mercy upon you, then you
would have been among the losers.
65. And, undoubtedly, you surely know, those among you who rebelled in the matter of Saturday (Sabbath). So
We said to them, "Be Apes, despised."
66. Thus, We made this event of that town a warning to those of the present and to those after them and a lesson
to the God-fearing.
67. And when Moses said to his people, "Allah commands you to slaughter a cow". They said, "you make us a
laughingstock". He said, "refuge of Allah, that I be among the ignorant".
68. They said, "pray to your Lord that He tell to us, what kind of the cow, is," he said, "says He, she is a cow,
neither old nor immature, but in between both", so do what you are commanded.
69. They said, "Pray to your Lord that He tell to us what her color is," he said, 'says He, she is a yellow cow, whose color is intensely deep, delightful to the beholders.
70. They said, "Pray to Your Lord that He explain clearly to us, what kind of cow is that. Certainly, we have become
dubious about cows, and if Allah wills, we shall get the guidance.
71. (Moses) said, "Says He, that she is a cow, no service is taken from her nor she ploughs the earth, nor water
the filth, unblemish in which there is no spot. They said, "now you brought the truth, then they slaughtered her
and were not willing to slaughter.

Happy Happy