Friday, 20 December 2013

Surah Al-Muzzammil ( Bundled Up )

Surah Number 73,  Al-Muzzammil  ( Bundled Up )
English Translation 
Revealed at Makkah
Total Verses  =  20

ALLAH in the name of The Most Affectionate, the Merciful.
1. 'O the enwrapped one!
2. Stand praying at night except a small portion thereof.
3. Half night or make it a little less than that.
4. Or make it a little more than that and recite Quran slowly and thoughtfully.
5. Undoubtedly, soon We shall be casting on you a weighty word.
6. Undoubtedly, getting up at night is most pressing and the word is pronounced most rightly.
7. Undoubtedly, you have a chain of engagements during the day.
8. Therefore remember the name of your Lord, and be of Him exclusively leaving all others.
9. He is the Lord of the east and west, there is no god but He, so take Him as Disposer of Affairs.
10. And be patient over what the infidels say and leave them decently.
11. And leave to Me those beliers the rich ones and give them a little time.
12. Undoubtedly, We have heavy fetters and raging fire.
13. And a choking food and a painful torment.
14. On a day when the earth and the mountains shall quake, and the mountains will become heaps of sand
15. Undoubtedly, We sent towards you a Messenger who is a witness over you, as We sent to Firawn a Messenger.
16. But Firawn dis-obeyed the Messenger, then We seized him with a severe seizing.
17. Then how you will save yourselves if you disbelieve against a day which will make children old.
18. The sky will be split on account of its grief. The promise of Allah shall be fulfilled.
19. Undoubtedly, this is an admonition, therefore, let him who please take a way unto his Lord.
20. Undoubtedly, your Lord knows that you stand up for prayer sometime for nearby two third of the night,
sometime half of the night, sometime a third of the night, and also a party of those who are with you. And
Allah estimates the night and the day. He knows that you muslims can not count the night, then He turned
towards you with His mercy, now recite from Quran as much as is easy for you He knows that soon some of
you will fell ill and some others will travel in the earth seeking the bounty of Allah and some others will be
fighting in the way of Allah, so recite Quran what you can, and continue keeping prayer and pay, the poor-due
(Zakat) and give a goodly loan to Allah. And whatever good you will send forward for you, you will find it with
Allah as better and greater reward. And beg forgiveness from Allah. Undoubtedly, Allah is Forgiving Merciful.

Thursday, 19 December 2013

Surah Al-Jinn

Surah Number 72,  Al-Jinn 
English Translation 
Revealed at Makkah
Total Verses  =  28

ALLAH in the name of The Most Affectionate, the Merciful.
1. Say you, 'it has been revealed to me that some of Jinn listened my recitation attentively and said 'we have
heard a wonderful Quran'.
2. That guides towards righteousness, so we have believed in it, and we shall never associate anyone with our
3. And that the majesty of our Lord is exalted high. He has neither taken a woman nor a child.
4. And that the fool among us used to utter extravagant words against Allah.
5. And that we thought that neither men nor Jinn would ever fabricate a lie against Allah.
6. And that some individuals from among the men used to seek protection of some men from among the Jinn and
they thus increased them in their pride.
7. And that they imagined just as you have imagined, that Allah would never raise any Messenger.
8. And that we touched the heaven then we found it filled with strong guards and sparks of fire.
9. And that we used to sit on some seats to listen in the first heaven, but whoso now listens finds a flame of fire
in wait for him.
10. And that we know not whether any evil has been intended for those living on earth or their Lord has desired
any good for them.
11. And that there are some amongst us righteous and some of us are otherwise. We are divided into different
12. And that we are convinced that in no case we can ever go out of the control of Allah in the earth nor we can go
out of His control by flying.
13. And that when we heard the guidance, we believed in it. And whoso believes in his Lord, has no fear of any
loss or high-handedness.
14. And that there are some Muslims and some unjust persons amongst us. So those who embraced Islam, it is
they who sought the right course.
15. And as to the unjust, they became the fuels of Hell.
16. And say you, 'I have been revealed that if they would have been on the right path, we would have certainly
provided them with abundant water.
17. In order that we may test them therewith, and whoever turns away from the remembrance of his Lord, He will
make him join a rising torment.
18. And that the mosques are only for Allah, so worship none with Allah.
19. And that when the bondman of Allah stood up praying Him, it was nigh that those jinn may crowd upon him.
20. Say you, 'I pray to my Lord only, and I associate none with Him'.
21. Say you, I am not owner of either bad or good for you'.
22. Say you, None will save me from Allah, nor I shall find any place of refuge besides Him'.
23. (To me is), but to convey the orders of Allah and His Messages and whoso dis-obeys Allah and His Messenger,
then surely for him there is the fire of Hell, wherein they shall abide for ever.
24. Until when they will see that which they are promised then they will now know, who is weaker in helpers and
fewer in numbers.
25. Say you, 'whether that which you are promised is nigh, or my Lord will give it some time.
26. The Knower of Unseen reveals not His secret to anyone.
27. Except to His chosen Messengers, and appoints guard before them and behind them.
28. So that He may see that they have delivered the Messages of their Lord. And that He knows all that is with
them, and He has already counted everything in numbers.

Tuesday, 17 December 2013

Surah Nûh (The Prophet Nuh)

Surah Number 71,  Nûh  (The Prophet Nuh)
English Translation 
Revealed at Makkah
Total Verses  =  28

ALLAH in the name of The Most Affectionate, the Merciful.
1. Undoubtedly, We sent Nuh towards his people saying warn them before a painful torment comes to them.
2. He said, O my people, I am to you a manifest warner.
3. That worship Allah, and fear Him, and obey Me.
4. He will forgive some of your sins and grant you respite till an appointed time. Undoubtedly, the promise of
Allah cannot be deferred when it comes. Any how you would have known.
5. He submitted, O my Lord, I have called my people night and day.
6. But my calling has only increased them in fleeing away.
7. And every time I called them that You may forgive them, they put their fingers into their ears, covered
themselves with their garments, and persisted and waxed great proud.
8. Then I called them openly.
9. Then I spoke to them publicly and spoke to them in secret too.
10. And I said, 'beg forgiveness of your Lord, He is Most Forgiving.
11. He will send down upon you rain in torrents.
12. And He will help you with wealth and children and will make for you gardens and will make for you streams.
13. What happened to you? that you hope not to achieve honour from Allah.
14. While He has made you in diverse stages.
15. Do you not see that Allah has made seven heavens one upon another?
16. And He illuminated therein the moon and has made the sun as a lamp.
17. And Allah has caused you to grow from the earth like vegetation.
18. Then He will cause you to return there to and will bring you forth for the next time.
19. And Allah has made the earth for you as a bed spreading.
20. That you may walk through its wide ways.
21. Nuh said, 'O my Lord! they disobeyed me and followed such one whose wealth and children have only added to
his losses.
22. And they have plotted a tremendous plot.
23. And they said, 'never leave your gods and leave not Wadd nor Suwa nor Yaghuth and Yauq and Nasr'. (idols of
pagan Arabs)
24. And undoubtedly, they have led many astray; so increase You not the unjust but in error.
25. And because of their wrong doings, they were drowned, then made to enter the Fire. Then they found not for
themselves any helpers against Allah.
26. And Nuh submitted, 'O my Lord leave not of the infidels any inhabitant upon the earth'.
27. Undoubtedly, if You would allow them to live, they will lead astray Your bondmen and they will beget none but
an evil doer, an ungrateful.
28. 'O my Lord! forgive me and my parents and him who is in my house as a believer and all believing men and all
believing women'.

Monday, 16 December 2013

Surah Al-Ma`ârij (The Ascending Stairways)

Surah Number 70, Al-Ma`ârij (The Ascending Stairways)

English Translation

Revealed at Makkah

Total Verses  =  44

ALLAH in the name of The Most Affectionate, the Merciful.
1. A questioner asks for the torment to befall.
2. Upon the infidels, which there is none to repel.
3. It will be from Allah the Master of Ascending heights.
4. The angels and Jibrael ascend towards Him. That chastisement will fall on a day the measure of which is fifty
thousand years.
5. So be you patient with a goodly patience.
6. They are thinking it to be far off.
7. And We are seeing it to be near.
8. The day when the heaven will become like molten silver.
9. And the mountains will become so light as wool.
10. And no friend will ask any friend.
11. They will be seeing them. The culprit will long that he might ransom himself from the torment of that day by
his sons,
12. And his wife and his brother,
13. And his clan in which there is place for him.
14. And all those who are on the earth, then this ransom might save him.
15. Never, it is indeed a raging fire.
16. Putting off the skin.
17. It is calling him who turned his back and turned his face.
18. And hoarded wealth and withheld it.
19. Undoubtedly, man has been made impatient greedy.
20. When evil touches him, he is badly perplexed,
21. And when good reaches him, he withheld,
22. But those who pray,
23. Those who are constant in their prayer.
24. And those in whose wealth there are a known right.
25. For one who asks for and for one who could not even ask for and remains deprived.
26. And those who know the Day of judgement a reality.
27. And those who are afraid of the torment of their Lord.
28. Undoubtedly, the torment of their Lord is not a thing to become un-fearful.
29. And those who guard their private parts.
30. But from their wives and from those whom their hands possess. They are not to be blamed for them.
31. And who seeks others save those two then they are the transgressors.
32. And those who safeguard their trusts and their covenant,
33. And those who are firm on their testimonies,
34. And those who preserve their prayers.
35. They are, who shall be honoured in the Gardens.
36. But what happened to those infidels, that they see towards you with sharp eyes.
37. On the right and the left, groups after groups.
38. Does every man among those covet that he shall enter the Garden of comfort?
39. Never, undoubtedly, We have made them of that which they know.
40. I swear by the Lord of the easts and wests that We are surely, Authoritative.
41. That We may exchange better than they are, and no one can go out of Our hands.
42. So leave them in their idle talks and play until they meet that day of theirs, which they are promised with.
43. The day when they will come forth from their graves hurrying as if they were hastening towards marks,
44. With their eyes cast down, covered with disgrace. This is their that day of which they were promised.

Sunday, 15 December 2013

Surah Al-Hâqqah (The Reality)

Surah Number 69,  Al-Hâqqah  (The Reality)
English Translation
Revealed at Makkah
Total Verses  =  52

ALLAH in the name of The Most Affectionate, the Merciful.
1. That inevitable truth.
2. How is that inevitable truth?
3. And what did you know how is that inevitable?
4. Thamud and Aad belied that strong calamity.
5. Then as for Thamud they were destroyed with an extreme uproar.
6. And as for Aad, they were destroyed by a fierce roaring windstorm.
7. Which He subjected them forcefully for seven nights and eight days consecutively, then see those people in it
lying down, as though they were trunks of palm-trees lying down.
8. Do you see any remnant of them?
9. And Firawn and those before him, and the overthrown towns committed error.
10. And they disobeyed the Messenger of their Lord; therefore, He seized them with a strong seizing.
11. Undoubtedly, when the water rose high, We bore you in the boat.
12. That We might make it a reminder for you and it might be retained by the ears that retain after hearing.
13. Then when the trumpet is blown instantly.
14. And the earth and the mountains are being crushed after lifting up all at once.
15. That is the day when will happen the inevitable event.
16. And the heaven will cleave as-under, then on the day it will be in a miserable condition.
17. And the angels will be standing on the sides thereof, and on that day, the eight angles will bear over them the
throne of your Lord.
18. On that day, you all shall be presented and no hiding soul shall remain hidden.
19. Then as to him, whose record shall be given in his right hand, he will say, 'take and read my record'.
20. I was convinced that I would reach to my accounting.
21. Therefore, he is in his desired comfort.
22. In a lofty Garden.
23. Its clusters are within reach.
24. Eat and drink a content full recompense for that you sent forth in the days gone by.
25. And as for him whose record shall be given in his left hand, he will say, 'oh would that, I had not been given
my record!
26. And I would not have known what is my reckoning.
27. Oh, would that death had made an end of me.
28. My wealth has availed me nothing.
29. My all strength has gone from me.
30. Seize him and put chains in his neck.
31. Then cast him into blowing fire.
32. Then thrust him in a chain the length of which is seventy cubits.
33. Undoubtedly, he did not believe in Allah the Great.
34. And he did not urge the feeding of the needy.
35. Therefore, he today has no friend here.
36. Nor any food saves pus of the people of Hell.
37. Which none but the sinners eat.
38. But no, I swear by what you see.
39. And by all that, you see not.
40. Undoubtedly, this Quran is the talks with a noble Messenger.
41. And it is not the word of any poet. How little you believe!
42. And it is not the word of any sooth sayer. How little you heed!
43. I have been sent down by Him who is the Lord of entire world.
44. And if he would have said against Us even one word forging from himself.
45. We would surely have taken revenge with full force.
46. And then We would surely have severed his life vein.
47. And not any of you could have defended him.
48. And undoubtedly; this Quran is an admonition to the God-fearing.
49. And surely, We know that some among you are beliers.
50. And undoubtedly, it is a great sorrow to the infidels.
51. And undoubtedly, it is the truth of absolute certainty.
52. So O beloved prophet! glorify your Lord the Great.

Saturday, 14 December 2013

Surah Al-Qalam (The Pen)

Surah Number 68,  Al-Qalam  (The Pen)
English Translation
Revealed at Makkah
Total Verses  =  52

ALLAH in the name of The Most Affectionate, the Merciful.
1. By the pen and by that which they (angels) write.
2. You are not. by the grace of your Lord, mad.
3. And certainly, for you there is an endless reward.
4. And undoubtedly, you possess excellent manners.
5. Then now you shall soon see and they shall also see;
6. As to which of you was caught with madness.
7. Undoubtedly, your Lord knows well him who goes astray from His path, and He knows well those who are
8. Therefore, hear not the words of the beliers.
9. They desire that any how you should be appeased then they too would be appeased.
10. And hear not any such one who is a big swearer the mean.
11. One who taunts a lot, going around with slander.
12. Forbidder of good, transgressor, sinful.
13. Ill-mannered, and moreover his birth is faulty.
14. This is because he possesses some wealth and children.
15. When Our signs are recited to him, he says 'stories of the ancients'.
16. We shall soon brand upon his swine like snout.
17. Undoubtedly, We have tried them as We tried the owners of the garden when they swore that they would
certainly reap their crop in the morning.
18. And they said not 'if Allah please'.
19. Then something going round from your Lord went round it while they were asleep.
20. And in the morning it was as it were fruits plucked.
21. Then they called one another in the morning.
22. Saying, 'go to your fields early in the morning if you are going to reap'.
23. And they went forth early in the morning, whispering together.
24. That no needy person should come in your garden today.
25. And they went forth early in the morning, determined upon their purpose.
26. But when they saw it, they said, 'undoubtedly, we have lost our way'.
27. Nay, rather we have been deprived of every thing.
28. The most moderate of them said, "Did I not say to you, why do you not glorify Allah? "
29. They said, 'Glory is to our Lord, undoubtedly, we had been unjust.
30. Now one turned towards other reproaching.
31. They said, 'Ah! Woe to us, undoubtedly, we were contumacious.
32. It may be that our Lord will give us in exchange a better than it, we do humbly turn to our Lord.
33. Such is the punishment, and the punishment of the Hereafter is far greater. What a good thing it was, if they
34. Undoubtedly, for the God fearing, there are Gardens of Bliss with their Lord.
35. Shall We make the muslims like the culprits?
36. What happened to you? How you judge?
37. Have you any Book wherein you read?
38. That you shall have in it whatever you choose?
39. Or have you some oaths from Us, reaching to the Day of Resurrection that you shall have all that you claim?
40. Ask them which of them is guarantor thereof?
41. Or have they some associates? Let them, then bring their associates, if they are truthful.
42. The day when a leg shall be exposed (the meaning is known to Allah) and they will be called upon to prostrate
themselves, they will not be able to do so.
43. Their eyes will be cast down, and humiliation will be covering them, and they were indeed called upon to
prostrate themselves in the world when they were sound healthy.
44. So leave him to Me, who belies this word. Soon We shall draw them step by step whence they know not.
45. And I shall grant them respite, undoubtedly, My secret planning is very strong.
46. Or do you ask them a wage so that they are laden with debt?
47. Or is the unseen with them so that they are writing?
48. Therefore wait for the command of your Lord and be not as the Man of the Fish when he called out while his
heart was choking.
49. Had not the favour of his Lord reached him for his care, he would have surely been cast upon land blamed.
50. Then his Lord chose him and made him of His near ones.
51. And it seems that the infidels with their bad looks will necessarily, stumble you when they hear Quran and they
say, 'He is surely faraway from wisdom'.
52. And it is not, but an admonition for the worlds.

Friday, 13 December 2013

Surah Al-Mulk (Control )

Surah Number 67,  Al-Mulk  (Control )
English Translation 
Revealed at Makkah
Total Verses  =  30

ALLAH in the name of The Most Affectionate, the Merciful.
1. Immensely blessed is He in Whose control is the entire Kingdom, and He has authority over every thing.
2. He, Who has created death and life that He might test you, as to whose work, is excellent among you. And He
is the Esteemed one the Forgiving.
3. Who made seven heavens one upon the other. What difference do you see in the making of the Most
Affectionate? Then look again carefully, do you see any crack?
4. Then look again and again, the sight will return back to you defeated and fatigued.
5. And undoubtedly, We adorned the lower heaven with lamps, and made them things to beat devils, and
prepared for them the torment of blazing fire.
6. And for those who disbelieved in their Lord, there is the torment of Hell. And what an evil end it is?
7. When they shall be thrown in it, they will hear the braying as it boils up.
8. It seems that it will almost burst with severe fury. Whenever any group shall be thrown in it, its keepers will
ask them, 'Did no warner come to you'?
9. They will say, 'why not, yes indeed, the warner came to us, but we belied him and said, 'Allah has sent down
nothing; you are not, but in great error".
10. And they will say, 'if we had heard or reflected, we would not have been among the fellows of the Hell.
11. Now they confessed their sins, then Curse be the fellows of the Hell.
12. Undoubtedly, those who fear their Lord unseen, for them is forgiveness and great reward.
13. And whether you keep your discourse secret or disclose, He knows full well the thoughts of your breasts.
14. Will not He Who has created know? And it is He Knowing every subtle, the Aware.
15. It is He Who has made the earth submissive to you, therefore traverse through its tracks and eats of His
provision. And to Him is the rising up.
16. Have you become fearless of Him whose Kingdom is in the heaven, that He may bury you in the earth,
henceforth it remains shaking?
17. Or have you become fearless of Him whoso Kingdom is in the heaven that He may send against you stoning.
Now you will know, how was My warning?
18. And undoubtedly, those before them belied, then how was My rejection.
19. And have they not seen birds above them, spreading out their wings and closing them? None withholds them
save the Most Affectionate Allah. Undoubtedly, He sees all things.
20. Or which is your army that shall help you against the Most Affectionate Allah? The infidels are not but in
21. Or who is he, who may provide you, if He withholds His provision? Nay, but they have become shameless in
contumacy and dis-dain.
22. Is he who walks prone on his face better guided than he who walks upright on a straight path?
23. Say you, 'it is He Who produced you, and made for you ears and eyes and hearts'. How little you accept the
24. Say you, 'it is He Who has spread you in the earth, and towards Him you shall be raised.
25. And they say, 'when this promise will come to pass. if you are truthful'.
26. Say you, 'the Knowledge of it is with Allah, and I am only a clear warner'.
27. Then when they will see it near at hand, the faces of the infidels will be vexed, and it will be said to them, 'this
is what you used to ask for'.
28. Say you, 'look to it, if Allah destroys me and those with me or has mercy on us, then who will protect the
infidels from the painful torment'?
29. Say you, 'He is the Most Affectionate, we believed in Him and relied upon Him, then now you will know, who is
in manifest error'.
30. Say you, 'look to it, if your water in the morning go deep in the earth, then who would bring you water running
before your eyes?'

Surah At-Tahrîm ( Prohibition )

Surah Number 66,  At-Tahrîm  ( Prohibition )
English Translation
Revealed at Madinah
Total Verses  = 12

ALLAH in the name of The Most Affectionate, the Merciful.
1. 'O the communicator of the Unseen (Prophet) why do you forbid for yourself what Allah has made lawful to
you, seeking the pleasure of your wives? And Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.
2. Undoubtedly, Allah has ordained for you absolution from your oaths; and Allah is your Protector, and Allah is
Knowing, Wise.
3. And when the Prophet told a secret matter to one of his wives, then when she disclosed it and Allah disclosed it
to the Prophet, the Prophet made known to her some part, and overlooked some part thereof, And when the
Prophet informed her of it she said 'who has informed you of it. He said, 'The Knowing, the Aware has
informed me'.
4. If you two wives of the Prophet turn towards Allah for your hearts are necessarily deviated from the path, but if
you two force him, then undoubtedly, Allah is his helper, and Gibrael, and the righteous believers and after that
the angels are his helpers.
5. It is possible that, if he divorces you, his Lord may give him in exchange better wives than you; obedient,
believing, well mannered, pertinent, devout in worship, fasting, married, and virgins.
6. 'O believers!, 'save yourselves and your family members from the Fire whose fuel is men and stones, over
which are appointed angels, stern and severe, who disobey not the Commands of Allah and do what they are
7. 'O you the infidels! do not make excuses this day. You shall only be recompensed for what you used to do.
8. 'O believers! Turn towards Allah in such a way that it may become an admonition for future. It may be that
your Lord will remove your evils from you, and make you enter the Garden beneath which flow streams, the
day when Allah will not disgrace the Prophet and those who believe with him. Their light will be running in
front of them and on their right hands. They will say, 'O our Lord!!, complete our lights for us and forgive us'.
Undoubtedly, You have authority over everything.
9. 'O the Communicator of unseen (Prophet)! strive hard against the infidels and hypocrites and be strict against
them, And their destination is Hell. And what an evil end it is.
10. Allah sets forth the example of the infidels, the wife of Nuh and the wife of Lut. They were under marriage of
Our two near ones bondmen, then they defrauded them. So they availed them nothing against Allah and it was
said to them, enter you both into the Fire with those who enter.
11. And Allah sets forth the example of muslims, the wife of Firawn. When she said, 'O my Lord! Build a house for
me in the Paradise with You and deliver me from Firawn and his work and deliver me from the people unjust.
12. And Maryam the daughter of Imran who preserved her chastity, so We breathed into her of Our spirit and she
confirmed the words of her Lord and His Books and became of obedients.

Surah At-Talâq (Divorce)

Surah Number 65,  At-Talâq  (Divorce)
English Translation
Revealed at Madinah
Total Verses  = 12

ALLAH in the name of The Most Affectionate, the Merciful.
1. 'O Prophet! When you people divorce your women, then divorce them at the time of their prescribed periods
and count the prescribed period, and fear Allah, your Lord. Turn them not out of their houses during prescribed
period, nor should they themselves go out, unless they are involved in any flagrant indecency; These are the
limits of Allah, and whoso crossed the limits of Allah, undoubtedly, he did injustice to his own soul. You know
not that perhaps Allah may send any new commandment after it.
2. Then, when they are about to reach their term, retain them with kindness or part from them with kindness and
take two just persons as witnesses from among you and set up witness for Allah. By this, he who believes in
Allah and Last Day is admonished. And he who fears Allah, Allah will make a way for his deliverance.
3. And will provide for him whence he expects not. And he who puts his trust in Allah - He is sufficient for him.
Verily, Allah is to fulfil His work. Undoubtedly, Allah has kept a measure for every thing.
4. And as to your women who have no hope of menstruation; if you are in doubt, then their prescribed period is
three months, and for those who have not yet menstruated. And the period of the pregnant women is when
they give birth to children. And whose fears Allah, Allah will make his work easy.
5. This is the Commandment of Allah that He has sent towards you. And whoso fears Allah, Allah will put off his
evils and will give him immense reward.
6. Make the women to dwell where you yourselves dwell according to your means, and do not harm them so as to
straiten them. And if they are pregnant, then give them their maintenance till they give birth to children, And if
they suckle children for you, give them their wages and consult together reasonably. But if you mutually
disagree then soon he (father) will get another woman for sucking.
7. Let the man of means provide according to his means. And as for him, upon whom his provision has been
straitened, let him give the maintenance of what Allah has given him. Allah burdens no soul but to the extent
of what He has given him it is near the Allah will bring about ease after hardship.
8. And how many a city rebelled against the Commandments of its Lord and His Messengers then We took a
severe account from it, and gave it a horrible punishment.
9. Therefore it tasted the mischief of its actions, and the end of its affair was loss.
10. Allah has already prepared for them a severe torment; therefore fear Allah, O men of understanding! Those
who have believed. Undoubtedly, Allah has sent down for you an honour;
11. The Messenger who recites unto you the bright signs of Allah, so that he may bring forth those who believe
and do-good deeds from the darkness into light. And whoso believes in Allah and does good deeds - He will
make him enter gardens beneath which streams flow, to abide therein forever. Undoubtedly, Allah has made
good provision for him.
12. Allah is, it is He, who made seven heavens, and of the earth their like; the commandment comes down in their
midst, so that you may know that Allah can do everything, and the knowledge of Allah encompasses

Tuesday, 10 December 2013

Surah At-Taghâbun (Mutual Disillusion)

Surah Number 64,  At-Taghâbun  (Mutual Disillusion)

English Translation

Revealed at Makkah

Total Verses  = 18

ALLAH in the name of The Most Affectionate, the Merciful.
1. Whatever is in the heavens, and whatever is in the earth glorifies Allah; His is the kingdom and His the praise,
and He has power over every thing.
2. It is He who created you then some of you are disbelievers and some of you are muslims. And Allah is seeing
your work.
3. He created the heavens and the earth with truth and He shaped you and made your shape good and to Him is
the return.
4. He knows whatever is in the heavens and whatever is in the earth and knows whatever you conceal and
whatever you disclose. And Allah knows the thoughts within your breasts.
5. Has not the news come to you of those who disbelieved before? And they tasted the evil consequences of their
action; And for them is the painful torment.
6. This because their Messengers brought to them manifest arguments but they said, 'shall a human being guide
us' So they disbelieved and turned away and Allah cared not for then and Allah is Carefree, All Praised.
7. The infidels babbled that they shall never be raised up say you, 'why not, by my Lord, you shall necessarily be
raised up, then you shall be informed of your doings.' And this is easy for Allah.
8. Believe, then in Allah and His Messenger and in the Light, which We have sent down, and Allah is Aware of
your doings.
9. The day when He will gather you, on the Day of Gathering of all, that is the day for the manifestation of loss of
the losers. And whoso believes in Allah, and does good deeds, Allah will remove his evils and will make them
enter gardens beneath which streams flow, that they may abide therein forever. This is the great triumph
10. And those who disbelieved and belied Our signs, they are the people of the Fire, they shall abide therein for
ever. And what an evil destination it is.
11. No calamity befalls but by the leave of Allah. And whosoever believes in Allah, Allah will guide his heart. And
Allah knows everything.
12. And obey Allah and obey the Messenger, but if you turn your face, then let it be known to you that Our
Messenger is only responsible to deliver the Message clearly.
13. Allah is, none is to be worshipped but He, then let the believers put their trust in Allah.
14. 'O believers! Some of your wives and children are your enemies, so beware of them. But if you pardon and
over look and forgive, then, undoubtedly, Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.
15. Your wealth and your children are only a trial; and with Allah is an immense reward.
16. Therefore, fear Allah as much as you can and listen the commands and obey and spend in the way of Allah for
your own good. And whosoever is saved against the avarice of his own soul, they are the people to get
17. If you will lend to Allah a good loan, He will double it for you and will forgive you. And Allah is Appreciating,
18. The Knower of every invisible and visible, All Esteemed, All Wise.

Surah Al-Munafiqûn (The Hypocrites)

Surah Number 63,  Al-Munafiqûn  (The Hypocrites)

English Translation

Revealed at Madinah

Total Verses  =  11

ALLAH in the name of The Most Affectionate, the Merciful.
1. When the hypocrites come to you, they say, 'we bear witnesses you are undoubtedly the Messenger of Allah,
and Allah knows that you are His Messenger. But Allah bears witness that the hypocrites are most surely liars.
2. They have taken their oaths as shield and they kept back from Allah's way, undoubtedly, they are doing most
vile works.
3. This is so because, they believed with their tongues, then disbelieved with their hearts, therefore a seal has
been set over their hearts, so now they understand nothing.
4. And when you see them, their bodies seem pleasing to you, and if they speak, you listen to their speech
attentively. They as though they were wooden beams fixed to a wall. They take every cry over themselves.
They are enemies, therefore beware of them. Kill them Allah; whither are they perverting?
5. And when it is said to them, 'come, that the Messenger of Allah may ask forgiveness for you, they turn their
heads aside, and you see them that they turn aside their faces waxing proud.
6. Equal it is for them whether you ask forgiveness for them or not, Allah will never forgive them. Undoubtedly,
Allah guides not the disobedients.
7. Those are they who say, 'spend not on those who are with the Messenger of Allah until they disperse, where-as
the treasures of the heavens and the earth are only for Allah, but the hypocrites understand not.
8. They say, 'if we return to Madina, the one most honour able will surely expel therefrom the one most mean,
whereas the honour is for Allah, and His Messenger and Muslims, but the hypocrites know not.
9. 'O believers! Let not your wealth and your children divert you from the remembrance of Allah and whoever
does so, they are really in loss.
10. And spend something out of Our provision in Our way before death comes upon any of you and say, O my
Lord! Why did You not grant me respite for a little time, so that I might have given alms and been among the
11. And Allah will never grant respite to any soul when its appointed time has come; and Allah is Aware of your

Surah Al-Jumu`ah (The Friday)

Surah Number 62, Al-Jumu`ah  (The Friday)

English Translation

Revealed at Madinah

Total Verses  =  11

ALLAH in the name of The Most Affectionate, the Merciful.
1. Whatever is in the heavens and whatever is in the earth glorifies Allah the Sovereign, the Most Holy, the
Esteemed One, the Wise.
2. It is He Who sent among the unlettered people a Messenger from among themselves, who recites to them His
signs and purifies them and bestows them the knowledge of the Book and wisdom, although they had been
necessarily in manifest error before that.
3. And purifies and teaches others among them who have not met to those farmers. And He is the Esteemed One,
the Wise.
4. This is the grace of Allah; He bestows it to whomsoever He pleases. And Allah is the Owner of immense grace.
5. The example of those who were put up with Tourat, then they did not follow its mandate is like an ass carrying
books on back. What an evil example is of those who belied the signs of Allah. And Allah Guides not the people
6. Say you, 'O Jews! If you imagine; that you are the friends of Allah to the exclusion of others, then long for
death, if you are truthful'?
7. But they will never long for it, because of the deeds which their hands have already sent forward. And Allah
knows the unjust people.
8. Say you, 'the death from which you flee, is certainly going to meet you, then will you be returned to Him Who
knows everything hidden and open and He will inform you as to what you had done.
9. 'O believers! When the call is made for the prayer on Friday, hasten towards the remembrance of Allah and
leave business. This is better for you if you know.
10. Then, when the prayer is finished, disperse in the land, seek grace of Allah, and remember Allah much; haply
you may prosper.
11. And when they saw any trade or sports they dispersed towards it and left you standing while addressing. Say,
you that which is with Allah is better then sport and trade. And the provision of Allah is best.

Surah As-Saff (The Ranks)

Surah Number 61,  As-Saff (The Ranks)

English Translation

Revealed at Madinah

Total Verses  =  14

ALLAH in the name of The Most Affectionate, the Merciful.
1. Whatever is in the heavens and whatever is in the earth glorifies Allah and He is the esteemed One, the Wise.
2. 'O believers! Why do you say, what you do not do?
3. Most hateful is it to Allah that you say, what you do not do.
4. Undoubtedly, Allah loves those who fight in His way arrayed in ranks, as though they were a building cemented
with molten lead.
5. And remember when Musa said to his people, 'O my people why do you annoy me, though you know that I am
the Messenger of Allah to you' But when swerved, Allah caused their hearts to swerve; and Allah guides not the
disobedient people.
6. And remember when Issa son of Maryam, said, 'O children of Israel, I am Allah's Messenger to you, confirming
the previous Book Tourat before me and conveying the glad news of the Messenger who will come after me,
his name is Ahmad! ' But when Ahmed came to them with bright signs, they said, 'this is an open magic.'
7. And who is more unjust than he who forges a lie against Allah despite the fact that he is being called towards
Islam? And Allah guides not the unjust people.
8. They desire to extinguish the light of Allah with their mouths and Allah is to accomplish His light, even though
the infidels may take it bad.
9. It is He Who has sent His Messenger with the guidance and the Religion of Truth that he may cause it to
prevail over all religions, though the associates may take it bad.
10. 'O believers! Shall I tell you the trade which may save you from painful torment?
11. Believe you in Allah and His Messenger and struggle in the way of Allah with your wealth and persons. This is
better for you, if you know.
12. He will forgive your sins and will make you enter the Gardens beneath which flow streams and palaces of purity
that are in the gardens of dwelling. This is the great triumph.
13. And He will bestow you one more favour which you love, help from Allah and a near victory, so O beloved give
glad tidings to the muslims.
14. 'O believers! Be helpers of the religion of Allah as Issa son of Maryam had said to his disciples, 'who are those
who may help me being towards Allah? The disciples said, 'we are the helpers of the religion of Allah', then a
party of the children of Israel believed and another party disbelieved. Then We helped the believers against
their enemies, so they overcame.

Surah Al-Mumtahinah (Examining Her)

Surah Number 60,  Al-Mumtahinah  (Examining Her)

English Translation

Revealed at Madinah

Total Verses  =  13

ALLAH in the name of The Most Affectionate, the Merciful.
1. 'O believers! Take not for friends My and your enemies, you deliver the news to them in friendship, while they
are deniers of the truth that has come to you, and drive out the Messenger and yourselves from homes
because you believe in Allah, your Lord. If you have come out in my path to struggle and to seek My pleasure,
take them not for friends; you send them secret message of love, while I know well what you conceal and what
you reveal. And whoever of you does so, has, undoubtedly, gone astray from the straight path.
2. If they get hold of you, they will be your enemies and will stretch forth their hands and their tongues towards
you with evil, and they desire that you should anyhow become disbelievers.
3. Never will profit you, neither your kind-red nor your children on the Day of Judgement. He shall separate you
from them. And Allah is seeing your doings.
4. Undoubtedly, there was a good example to follow for you in Ibrahim and his companions, when they said to
their people, 'undoubtedly' we are quit of you and that you worship beside Allah, we deny you', and there has
appeared enmity and hatred between us and you for ever; until you believe in one Allah, but the saying of
Ibrahim to his father 'I will surely ask forgiveness for you, and I have no authority for your any favour against
Allah. O our Lord! In You do we put our trust and to You do we turn, and to You is the final return.
5. 'O our Lord! Put not us in a trial of those who disbelieve, and forgive us our Lord, undoubtedly You are the
Esteemed one, Wise.
6. Undoubtedly, there was a good example in them for you for him who has hope in Allah and the Last Day. And
whosoever turns away, then undoubtedly Allah is self-sufficient, All-Praised.
7. It is near that Allah may create friendship between you and those of them who are your enemies. And Allah is
All Powerful, and Forgiving, Merciful.
8. Allah forbids you not regarding those who have not fought against you in religion and expelled you not from
your homes, that you may show favour to them and act justly towards them. Undoubtedly, the just are loved
by Allah.
9. Allah only forbids you regarding those who have fought against you in religion or expelled you from your
homes or have helped others in driving you out, that you should take them for friends, and whosoever takes
them for friends, they are the oppressors.
10. 'O believers! When muslim women come to you from pagan territory leaving their homes, test them. Allah
knows better as to their faith, then if you know them to be believing women, return them not to the infidels.
Neither those women are lawful to them nor they are lawful to them. And give their unbeliever husbands what
they have spent, and there is no blame on you if you marry them when you pay them their dowries. And have
not firm hold to the matrimonial ties with the unbelieving women and ask back what you have spent and the
infidels should ask for what they have spent. This is the order of Allah. He judges between you. And Allah is All
Knowing, Wise.
11. And if some women go away from the custody of muslims to the disbelievers, then you punish the disbelievers,
and give from the spoils to those whose women have gone away the like of that which they had spent. And
fear Allah in Whom you believe.
12. 'O Prophet! When muslim women come to you for taking oath of allegiance at your hands, that they will not
associate anything with Allah, and they will not commit theft, and will not commit adultery and nor kill their
children, and nor will bring a calumny forging it between their hands and feet (regarding birth) and will not
disobey you in anything good, then accept their allegiance and beg Allah to forgive them. Undoubtedly Allah is
Forgiving. Merciful.
13. 'O believers! Take not as friends those upon whom is Allah's wrath. They are indeed despaired of the Hereafter
as the infidels are despaired of the inmate of the graves.

Surah Al-Hashr (Exile)

Surah Number 59,  Al-Hashr  (Exile)

English Translation

Revealed at Madinah

Total Verses  = 24

ALLAH in the name of The Most Affectionate, the Merciful.
1. All that is in the heavens and all that is in the earth glorifies Allah; and He is the Esteemed, the Wise.
2. It is He Who expelled the infidels of the Book from their homes for their first assemblage, you did not imagine
that they would go forth and they thought that their fortresses would defend them against Allah. But the
command of Allah came to them from whence they reckoned not, and it cast terror into their hearts that they
destroy their dwellings with their own hands and the hands of the muslims. Therefore, take heed, O you, with
3. And had it not been that Allah had decreed for them to be uprooted from their homes He would have punished
them in this world. And for them is a torment of Fire in the Hereafter.
4. This because they resisted Allah and His Messenger and whoso resists Allah and His Messenger - then
undoubtedly, the torment of Allah is severe.
5. Whatever trees you cut down or left standing upon their roots, that was all by the leave of Allah and that He
might disgrace the disobedients.
6. And whatever spoils Allah gave to His Messenger from them, you rushed neither horse nor camel upon it, yes,
but Allah gives control to His Messenger over whomsoever He please. And Allah can do everything.
7. Whatsoever spoils Allah gave to His Messenger from the people of the cities is for Allah and His Messenger and
for the near relation, and orphans and the needy and the wayfarer, so that it be not the wealth of your rich.
And whatsoever the Messenger gives you, take it, and whatsoever he forbids you, abstain from that. And fear
Allah; undoubtedly, the torment of Allah is severe.
8. For those poor refugees who were driven out from their homes and their possessions seeking grace of Allah
and His pleasure, and helping Allah and His Messenger. They are the truthful.
9. And those who had established their home in this city and in faith from before, love those who emigrated to
them, and find not in their breasts, any need for what they have been given and prefer them above their souls,
even though they be badly in need of, and whoso is guarded against the avarice of his own soul, those they
are the successful.
10. And those who came after them submit, O our Lord! Forgive us and our brothers who preceded us in the faith,
and put not into our hearts any rancour towards those who believe. O our Lord! Undoubtedly, you are the
Beneficent the Merciful.
11. Have you not seen the hypocrites? They say to their brothers, the infidels of the Book, 'if you are turned out'
we will surely go with you, and will never obey anyone against you, and if you are fought against, we will
surely help you. And Allah witnesses that they are liars.
12. If they are turned out, they will not go forth with them, and if they are fought against, they will not help them.
Even if they helped them. They would then run away turning their backs and then they shall not be helped.
13. Undoubtedly, they have greater fear of you in their hearts than of Allah. This is because they are a people
having no understanding.
14. They shall not even fight against you all together, but in fortified cities or from behind walls. Their velour is
severe among themselves. You will think them as united gang, but their hearts are scattered. This is because
they are a people having no sense.
15. They are like those who were just a short time before them. They tasted the evil consequences of their doings,
and for them is the painful torment.
16. Like Satan (devil) when he said to man, 'disbelieve', and then when he disbelieved, he said, 'I am quit of you, I
fear Allah the Lord of the entire world'.
17. And the end of both was this, that they both are in fire, abiding therein. And such is the punishment of the
18. 'O believers! Fear Allah and let every soul should see that what it sent forth for the morrow' and fear Allah.
Undoubtedly Allah is aware of your doings.
19. And be not like those who have already forgotten Allah, and so He put them in distress that they may not
remember their own souls. It is they that are disobedients.
20. The inhabitants of the Fire and the inhabitants of the Paradise are not equal. The inhabitants of the Paradise
they attained to their goal.
21. If We had sent down this Quran upon any mountain, you would certainly have seen it humbled and split
asunder for fear of Allah. And those examples, We profound for mankind that they may reflect.
22. He is Allah, besides Whom there is none to be worshipped, the Knower of everything hidden and open. He is
the Most Affectionate, the Merciful.
23. He is Allah, besides Whom none is to be worshipped the Sovereign, the most Holy, the Bestower of peace, the
Giver of Security, the Protector, the Esteemed one, the Exalted the Majestic. Glory is to Allah from what they
24. He is Allah, the Makers the Creater, the Bestower of form to everyone. His are all good names; all that is in the
heavens and the earth glorifies Him: and He is the Esteemed One the Wise.

Surah Al-Mujâdilah (The Pleading Woman)

Surah Number 58,  Al-Mujâdilah  (The Pleading Woman)

 English Translation

Revealed at Madinah

Total Verses  =  22

ALLAH in the name of The Most Affectionate, the Merciful.
1. Surely, Allah heard the speech of her who pleads with you regarding her husband and makes her complaint to
Allah and Allah is hearing the conversation of you two. Verily Allah Hears Beholds.
2. Those of you who leave their wives calling them as their mothers, they are not their mothers. Their mother is
only those who gave them birth, and they certainly utter evil and purely false words. And undoubtedly, Allah is
necessarily pardoning Forgiving.
3. And those who call their wives as in place of their mothers then wish to retract what they have Said, it is then
incumbent upon them to free a slave before they touch each other, This is what you are admonished with, and
Allah is Aware of your doings.
4. But whoso finds not a slave he should fast for two months continuously before they touch each other, and if
any one is unable to fast, then he should feed sixty Poor people This is so that you may believe in Allah and His
Messenger. These are the limits of Allah, and for the infidels is a painful torment.
5. Undoubtedly, those who oppose Allah and his Messenger, were abased as those before them were abased; and
We have undoubtedly sent down bright signs. And for the disbelievers is an humiliating punishment.
6. The day Allah will raise them all together; He will inform them of their doings Allah has a ready kept an account
of it, while they forgot it. And everything is before Allah
7. 'O listener! Have you seen that Allah knows what ever is in the heavens and what ever is in the earth? Where
there is secret counsel of three then the fourth is He. And of five then the sixth is He neither less than that nor
more but He is with them wherever they may be. Then on the Day of Resurrection He will informs them of
what they did Undoubtedly, Allah knows all things
8. Have you not seen them who were forbidden from evil counsels, then they do the same of what they were
forbidden, And counsel among themselves of sin and transgressions and dis-obedience to the Messenger. And
they come to you, they greet you with the words with which Allah has not greeted you and they say within
themselves; why does Allah not punish us, for what we utter. Sufficient to them is Hell wherein they shall be
thrust, what an evil end it is.
9. 'O believers! When you counsel among yourselves, counsel not for sin and transgression and disobedience to
the Messenger and counsel for virtue and piety, and fear Allah towards Whom you shall be gathered.
10. That secret counsel is only from satan (Devil) in order that he may grieve the believers and he cannot harm
them at all without Allah's leave. And the muslims should rely upon Allah only.
11. 'O believers! When it is said to you; make room in assemblies, then do make room; Allah will make room for
you. And when it is said, 'rise up, then rise up; Allah will raise, in degree, those of you who believe and those
who are endowed with knowledge. And Allah is Aware of your doings.
12. 'O believers! When you desire to say anything secretly to the Messenger, then give some alms before your
submission. This is better for you and purer. But if you are unable to give anything then Allah is Forgiving,
13. Are you afraid of giving alms before your submission? But when you did not do so and Allah turned to you with
His mercy, then keep up the prayer and pay poor due (Zakat) and remain obedient to Allah and His Messenger.
And Allah is Aware of your doings.
14. Have you not seen those who took for friends a people upon whom is Allah's wrath? They are neither of you
nor of them, they swear falsely knowingly.
15. Allah has already kept prepared severe torment for them. Undoubtedly, they do most evil works.
16. They have taken their oaths as shield, and they hindered from the way of Allah, for them, therefore, is the
humiliating torment.
17. Their riches and their children will avail them nothing against Allah. They are men of Hell wherein they shall
18. The day when Allah will raise them all together then they will swear before Him as they are swearing before
you and they think that they have done something. Do you hear? undoubtedly, they are the liars.
19. Satan (the devil) has got control over them and has made them forget the remembrance of Allah. They are the
party of Satan. Do you hear? undoubtedly, it is the party of Satan that are the losers.
20. Undoubtedly, those who oppose Allah and His Messenger, they are amongst the lowest.
21. Allah has already decreed that most surely I will prevail I and My Messenger. Undoubtedly Allah is Powerful,
22. You will not find a people who believe in Allah and the last Day taking as their friends those who opposed Allah
and His Messenger, even though they be their fathers or their sons or their brotheren or their kinsmen. These
are they in whose hearts Allah has inscribed faith and helped them with a spirit from Himself, and will make
them enter gardens beneath which flow streams, abiding therein, Allah is pleased with them and they are
pleased with Allah. This is Allah's party. Do you hear'? it is Allah's party that is successful.

Surah Al-Hadîd (The Iron)

Surah Number 57,  Al-Hadîd  (The Iron)
English Translation
Revealed at Madinah
Total Verses  =  29

ALLAH in the name of The Most Affectionate, the Merciful.
1. Whatever is in the heavens and in the earth glorify Allah; and it is He the Esteemed one the Wise.
2. For Him is the Kingdom of the heavens and the earth He gives life and causes to die, and He can do
3. He is the First, He is the Last, He is the Manifest, He is the Hidden and He knows everything.
4. It is He Who created the heavens and the earth in six days, then seated Himself upon the Throne befitting to
His Dignity. He knows what penetrates in the earth and what comes forth from it, and what comes down from
heaven and what ascends into it. And He is with you wherever you may be. And Allah is seeing your works.
5. For Him is the Kingdom of the heavens and the earth. And towards Allah is the return of all affairs.
6. He brings the night into the day and brings the day into the night. And He knows the toughts of the hearts.
7. Believe in Allah and His Messenger and spend in the way of Allah out of that to which He has made you heirs,
And those of you who believed and spent in the way of Allah, for them is the great reward.
8. And what is to you that you believe not in Allah where as the Messenger is calling you to believe in Allah, and
undoubtedly, He has already taken a covenant from you if indeed you believe.
9. It is He who sends down upon His bondman bright signs so that He may bring you forth from the darkness
towards the light And verily. Allah is kind and Merciful to you.
10. And what is to you, that you spend not in the way of Allah, whereas to Allah belongs the heritage of the
heavens and the earth altogether. Those of you who spent and fought before the victory of Mecca are not
equal They are greater in rank than those who spent and fought after victory. And to all has Allah already
promised the reward of the paradise. And Allah is Aware of your deeds.
11. Who is he who may lend to Allah a good loan and He may double it for him and there is an Honourable reward
for him.
12. The day when you shall see the believing women that their light run before them and on their right. It is being
said to them. 'To day the happiest tidings for you are those Gardens beneath which the streams flow wherein
you will abide. This is the supreme triumph.'
13. The day when the hypocrite men and the hypocrite women will say to muslims, 'look towards us. So that we
may take something from your light,' It will be said to them'. 'Go you back and seek there a light. They will go
back, henceforth a wall shall be set-up between them, in which there is a door. The inside of it has mercy and
the outside has torment.
14. The hypocrites will call the muslims, saying, 'were we not with you?' They will say, 'why not, you put your souls
in temptation and looked out for the evils of muslims and doubted and your vain desires deceived you till the
decree of Allah came and the great Deceiver deceived you regarding the decree of Allah.
15. Therefore this day no ransom shall be accepted from you or from the manifest infidels. Your destination is the
Fire. It is your friend, and what an evil end it is!'
16. Has not the time arrived for the believers that their hearts should lean for the remembrance of Allah and for
the truth, which has come down. and that they should not become like those who were given the Book before,
then the term was prolonged for them, so their 'hearts were hardened? And many of them are disobedients.
17. Know that Allah gives life to the earth after its death. Surely, We explained the signs to you that you may
18. Surely, the alms giving men and alms giving women and those who gave a goodly loan to Allah, it shall be
doubled for them and for them is an Honourable reward.
19. And those who believe in Allah and His Messengers, they are the perfect truthfuls and witnesses against others
before their Lord. For them is their reward and their light, and those who disbelieved and belied Our signs, they
are the inmates of Hell.
20. Know that the life of the world is not but a sport and amusement and an adornment and a source of boasting
among yourselves and desiring multiplication in riches and children against one another It is like the rain whose
vegetation pleased the tillers, then it dried up that you see it yellow then it was trampled into pieces. And in
the Hereafter, there is severe torment and forgiveness from Allah and His pleasure. And the life of the world is
nothing but a deceitful wealth.
21. Go forward towards the forgiveness of your Lord and towards a paradise of which the breadth is as the width
of the heavens and the earth prepared for those who believed in Allah and His Messenger. This is the grace of
Allah; He bestows it upon whom so ever He pleases. And Allah is the possessor of great grace
22. No calamity reaches either in the earth or in your own persons, but it is in a Book, before We create it;
Undoubtedly, it is easy for Allah.
23. So that you may not give over what is lost to you, nor rejoice over what is given to you and Allah loves not any
exultant, boastful.
24. Such as are niggardly and command men to be niggardly. And whosoever turns away, then surely, Allah is the
self-sufficient, All Praised.
25. Verily We have sent Messengers with arguments and have sent down with them the Book and the Balance of
justice, so that men might uphold justice And We have sent down iron, wherein is great strength and uses for
mankind. And in order the' Allah may see him who help. Him and His Messengers with out seeing surely. Allah
is Powerful Dominant
26. And undoubtedly, We sent Nuh and Ibrahim and We placed Prophethood and the Book in their offspring so
some of them were guided but most of them are disobedient.
27. Then We sent after then. Our other Messengers following in their footsteps, and We sent following, Isa son of
Maryam and bestowed him the Injil. And We placed tenderness and mercy in the hearts of his followers. And
as for adopting monasticism they invented it into the religion on their own accord, We prescribed it not for
them, yes this innovation they created for seeking the pleasure of Allah, but they observed it not as it was to
be observed, so We gave the believers of them then reward, but most of them are disobedient.
28. 'O believes! Fear Allah and believe in His Messenger He will give you a two-fold portion of His mercy and will
provide for you a light wherein you will walk, and will grant you forgiveness. And Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.
29. This is so in order that the non-believing people of the Book may know that they have no control over the
grace of Allah and that the grace is entirely in the hands of Allah. He gives it to whomsoever He pleases And
Allah is the Possessor of great grace.

Surah Al-Wâqi`ah (The Event )

Surah Number 56,  Al-Wâqi`ah  (The Event )
English Translation
Revealed at Makkah
Total Verses  =  96

ALLAH in the name of The Most Affectionate, the Merciful.
1. When the Event inevitable shall come to pass.
2. Then there shall be no room for any one to deny its happening.
3. Bringing low to someone and exalting to some.
4. When the earth shall tremble with severe shaking.
5. And the mountains shall be broken to pieces completely smashed.
6. And will become like thin particles of dust scattered in the sunshine of the ventilator.
7. And you shall become three kinds.
8. Then those on the right side how are those on the right side?
9. And those on the left side how are those on the left side?
10. And those who took the lead they have already taken the lead.
11. They are the favorite trusted persons.
12. In the gardens of comfort.
13. A group from among the former ones.
14. And a few from among the later ones.
15. They shall be on thrones studded with diamonds and pearls.
16. Reclining on them facing each other.
17. Abiding youths shall go round them carrying.
18. Goblets and ewers and cups with flowing drink before sight.
19. Where from they will have neither headache nor any unconsciousness.
20. And fruits that they like.
21. And the flesh of birds as they desire.
22. And fair maidens with wide eyes.
23. Like preserved, hidden pearls.
24. The recompense for their doings.
25. They shall not hear therein any vain or any sinful talk.
26. Yes, this will be their saying peace, peace.
27. And those on the right side, how are those on the right side?
28. In the midst of thorn-less berry trees.
29. And clusters of bananas.
30. And abiding shade.
31. And ever flowing water.
32. And fruits abundants.
33. Neither ending, nor for bidden.
34. And raised couches.
35. Undoubtedly, We made those women grow with good growth.
36. And made them virgins.
37. Loving to their husbands, attracting them, of equal age.
38. For those on the right side.
39. A group from amongst the former ones.
40. And a group from amongst the later ones.
41. And those on the left side,
42. How are those on the left side?
43. In the midst of scorching winds and boiling waters.
44. And the shadow of burning smokes.
45. Which is neither cool nor Honourable.
46. Verily before this, they were at ease.
47. And used to say, what! When we are dead and become dust and bones, shall we necessarily be raised up?
48. And what! Our former fathers too?
49. Say. 'Surely, all former ones and later ones.
50. Shall necessarily be gathered to the appointed time of a known Day.
51. Then, verily, O you the misguided ones, the beliers.
52. Shall surely eat of the tree of Zaqqum (Cactus).
53. And fill your belies there will,
54. And again you will drink thereon of boiling water.
55. Then you will drink as thirsty camel's drink.
56. This is their entertainment on the Day of judgement.
57. We have created you, why then, you do not accept the truth?
58. So look you, the sperm drop that you emit.
59. Do you make human being of it or We are the Maker?
60. We have fixed death among you; and We are not to be outstripped by this,
61. That We may exchange the likes of you, and may fashion your faces in a manner, which you know not.
Al-Quran English Translation (Kanz-ul-Eeman)
NooreMadinah Network -
62. Undoubtedly, you have already known the first growth, why then, do you not reflect?
63. Tell you then, what you sow?
64. Do you make crop of it or We are the Grower?
65. If We willed, We might trample it into pieces then you would remain lamenting.
66. That we are indebted,
67. Rather we remained deprived altogether.
68. Tell you then, the water you drink.
69. Did you send it down from the clouds, or We are the Sender?
70. If We willed, We might make it bitter, what! Then, are you not grateful?
71. Tell you then, the fire you kindle.
72. Did you produce the tree thereof or We are the Producer?
73. We made it a reminder of the Hell and a benefit for the wayfarers in the forest.
74. Therefore O beloved! Glorify the name of your Lord the Magnificent
75. Then I swear by the places where the stars set.
76. And if you know that is mighty oath.
77. Undoubtedly, this is an Honourable Quran.
78. In a well preserved Book
79. Touch it not but with ablution.
80. It is a sending down from the Lord of all Being.
81. Do you then, show idleness in this statement?
82. And do you keep for you this share that you belie?
83. Why then it was not when the soul reaches to the throat.
84. And you are at that time looking on.
85. And We are near to it than you, but you have no sight.
86. Why then it was not, if you are not to be requited,
87. That you may send it back if you are truthful?
88. Then if the person dying is of the near ones,
89. For him is the comfort and flower and a garden of delight.
90. And if he be of those on the right side,
91. Then O beloved, peace is upon you from those on the right side.
92. And if he be of the beliers, the misguided,
93. Then his entertainment is the boiling water.
94. And the thrusting into the blazing fire.
95. Undoubtedly, this is the truth of certainty.
96. Therefore O beloved', glorify the name of your Lord the Magnificent.

Surah Ar-Rahmân ( The Mercy Giving )

Surah Number 55,  Ar-Rahmân ( The Mercy Giving )
English Translation
Revealed at Makkah
Total Verses =  78

ALLAH in the name of The Most Affectionate, the Merciful.
1. The Most Affectionate
2. Taught the Quran to His beloved.
3. He created Mohammad, the soul of humanity.
4. He taught him speech regarding whatever had already happened and whatever will happen.
5. The sun and the moon are according to a reckoning.
6. And the green plants and trees prostrate.
7. And the sky, Allah has elevated it and set the balance.
8. That you may not transgress in the balance.
9. And keep up the weight with justice, and shorten not the weight.
10. And the earth, He has laid for the creatures.
11. There in are fruits and palm trees with sheaths.
12. And grain with husk and fray. rant flowers.
13. Which then, of the favours of your Lord wills O Jinn and men you twain will deny?
14. He made man from ringing clay, it is like a potsherd.
15. And the Jinn He created from the flame of the fire.
16. Which then, of the favours of your Lord will you twain deny?
17. He is the Lord of the two easts and the two wests'.
18. Which then, of the favours of your Lord will you twain deny?
19. He made flow two seas that look to be joined.
20. And there is Carriers in between them that one can not excel the other.
21. Which then, of the favours of your Lord will you twain deny?
22. There comes out from them pearl and the Corel.
23. Which then, of the favours of your Lord will you deny.
24. His are the Carriers that they are raised up in the sea like mountains.
25. Which then, of the favours of your Lord, will you deny?
26. All that is on earth is to perish.
27. And there is abiding for ever is the Entity of your Lord Majestic and Venerable.
28. Which then, of the favours of your Lord will you deny?
29. To Him beg all that are in the heavens and in the earth Every day, He has a work.
30. Which then, of the favours of your Lord will you deny?
31. Soon after finishing all works We proceed to your reckoning, O you two heavy groups.
32. Which then, of the favours of your Lord will you deny?
33. 'O Company of Jinn and men, if you can that you may go out of the boundaries of the heavens and the earth
then do go. Wherever you will go, His is the Kingdom.
34. Which then, of the favours of your Lord will you deny?
35. On you shall be loosed the flame of the fire without smoke and black smoke without flame, then you could not
be able to take revenge.
36. Which then, of the favours of your Lord will you deny?
37. And when the sky will split it will become rose like red hide.
38. Which then, of the favours of your Lord will you deny?
39. Then on that day the sinner shall not be asked about his sin, neither man nor Jinn
40. Which then, of the favours of your Lord will you deny?
41. The culprits shall be recognized by their faces and after being seized by the forelocks and feet will be cast in
the hell.
42. Which then, of the favours of your Lord will you deny?
43. This is the Hell, which the culprits belie.
44. They will go round between it and fierce boiling water.
45. Which then, of the favours of your Lord will you deny?
46. But for him who fears to stand before his Lord there are two Paradises.
47. Which then, of the favours of your Lord will you deny?
48. Having many branches.
49. Which then, of the favours of your Lord will you deny?
50. In them two fountains run.
51. Which then, of the favours of your Lord will you deny?
52. In them are two kinds of each fruit.
53. Which then, of the favours Of your Lord will you deny?
54. Reclining on beds whose linings are of brocades and the fruits of both so low that you may pick up with your
55. Which then, of the favours of your Lord will you deny?
56. On the beds there are the maidens that they glance towards none save their husbands untouched before them
by any man or Jinn
57. Which then, of the favours of your Lord will you deny?
58. As if they are rubies and corals.
59. Which then, of the favours of your Lord will you deny?
60. What is the recompense of goodness, but goodness?
61. Which then, of the favours of your Lord will you deny?
62. And besides them, there are two other gardens.
63. Which then, of the favours of your Lord will you deny?
64. From deep green, giving black reflection.
65. Which then, of the favours of your Lord will you deny?
66. In them there are two springs gushing forth.
67. Which then, of the favours of your Lord will you deny?
68. In them, there are fruits dates and pomegranates.
69. Which then, of the favours of your Lord will you deny?
70. In them there are maidens good natured, beautiful.
71. Which then, of the favours of your Lord will you deny?
72. There are houris, ( virgins of paradise ) confined in tents,
73. which then, of the favours of your Lord will you deny?
74. Neither man nor jinn have touched them before.
75. Which then, of the favours of your Lord will you deny?
76. Reclining on green beds and painted lovely carpets.
77. Which then, of the favours of your Lord will you deny?
78. Greatly Blessed is the name of your Lord, Majestic and Venera

Sunday, 8 December 2013

Surah Al-Qamar (The Moon)

Surah Number 54,  Al-Qamar (The Moon)

English Translation

Revealed at Makkah

Total Verses  =  55

ALLAH in the name of The Most Affectionate, the Merciful.
1. The Hour came near and the moon was split.
2. And if they see any sign, they turn their faces and say this is magic perpetual.
3. And they belied and followed their desires, and every affair has already been resolved.
4. And undoubtedly, there has come to them those tidings wherein there was enough to check.
5. Perfect wisdom, but warners profit them not.
6. So, turn you away from them. The day when the caller will call towards a harsh unrecognized thing.
7. Casting down their eyes, they will come out of the Graves as they are locusts scattered.
8. Hastening towards the Caller. The infidels will say, 'this day is hard'.
9. The people of Nuh belied before them, they declared Our bondman to be liar and said, 'he is a madman and
scolded him'.
10. He therefore prayed to his Lord, saying 'I am vanquished, do then take revenge for me.
11. Then We opened the doors of heaven with forceful flowing water.
12. And We made the earth flow with springs, so the two waters met to such a quantity, which was already
13. And We bore Nuh on a thing of planks and nails.
14. Floating before Our eyes, a recompense for him who was rejected.
15. And We left it as a sign. Is there then any one who would pay attention?
16. Therefore, how were My torment and My warnings?
17. And verily, We have made Quran easy for remembering, is there then any one to remember?
18. Aad belied, then how was My torment and My warnings?
19. Surely, We sent against them a strong windstorm in a day whose ill-fortune remained lasting over them.
20. It used to beat down the men as though they are the roots of uprooted palm trees.
21. Then how were My torment and My warning?
22. And undoubtedly, We made the Quran easy for remembering is there then any one to remember,
23. Thamud belied the Messengers.
24. And they said, 'shall we follow a man from among our selves? Then we in deed are misled and mad.
25. Has the Reminder been sent down upon him from all among us? Nay, rather he is great liar, self-boaster.
26. Very soon, tomorrow they will know who was a big liar, self-boaster?
27. We are to send the she Camel for their trial, therefore O Saleh! Watch them and have patience.
28. And inform them that the water has been divided between them in shares. He who has his turn should be
presented at the share.
29. Then they called their companion and he after taking the sword hamstrung her.
30. Then how were My torment and My warnings?
31. We sent against them a single uproar, hence they became like the left over grass of enclosure builders, dry,
32. And verily, We made the Quran easy for remembering, is there then any one to remember?
33. The people of Lut belied the Messengers.
34. Verily, We sent over them a storm of stones except the family of Lut. We rescued them by early dawn.
35. As a favour from Us. Thus do We recompense him who is grateful.
36. And surely, he had warned them of Our grasp, but they doubted in the Commandments of warning.
37. They intended to solicit him from his guests, so We obliterated their every saying, 'taste My torment and My
38. And undoubtedly, there came upon them early in the morning a lasting torment.
39. Taste then My torment and My warning.
40. And undoubtedly, We made Quran easy for remembering. Is there then any one to remember?
41. And verily the Messengers came to the people of Firawn (Pharoah).
42. They belied all Our signs Then We seized them with a grave befitting to the dignity of the Honourable and the
All Authoritative.
43. Are your infidels better than those? Or have you an exemption in the Scriptures'
44. Or is it that they say, 'We shall take revenge all-together'.
45. Now this multitude is being driven out and they will turn their backs.
46. Nay, rather the Hour is their promise and the Hour is the hardest and bitterest.
47. Surely, the culprits are misled and mad.
48. The day when they shall be dragged into the fire on their faces and it will be said to them, 'taste the flame of
the Hell.
49. Undoubtedly, We created every thing according to an estimate.
50. And Our work is only a matter as the twinkling of an eye.
51. And undoubtedly, We have destroyed your likes, is there anyone to look into?
52. And whatever they have done is in the Books.
53. And everything, small or big has been written down.
54. Undoubtedly, the pious are in gardens and stream.
55. In the sitting of truth before the sovereign Most Authoritative.

Surah An-Najm (The Star)

Surah Number 53,  An-Najm (The Star)

English Translation

Revealed at Makkah

Total Verses  =  62

ALLAH in the name of The Most Affectionate, the Merciful.
1. By the lovely shining star Muhammad, when he descended from the Ascension (Meraj).
2. Your companion neither went astray nor misled.
3. And he speaks not of his own desire.
4. That is not but the revelation that is revealed to him.
5. He was taught by one possessing mighty powers.
6. Possessor of strength. Then that splendid sight proceeded.
7. And he was on the highest horizon.
8. Then that splendid sight drew nearer, then he came close well.
9. So there was a distance of two hands between the Splendid sight and the beloved (Prophet) but rather less
than that.
10. Now He revealed to His bondman whatever He revealed.
11. The heart lied not in what he saw.
12. Do you then dispute with him concerning what he has seen?
13. And indeed, he saw that Splendid sight twice.
14. Near the farthest Lote-tree.
15. Near which is the Garden of Eternity.
16. When that was covering the Lote-Tree, which was covering.
17. The eye deviated not, nor crossed the limit.
18. Certainly, he saw very big signs of his Lord.
19. Have you then seen Lat and Uzza?
20. And the third Manat?
21. What! For you the males and for Him the females.
22. Then this is an unfair division.
23. That is not, but some names, you and your fathers have named; Allah has not sent down any authority for
them. They follow mere conjecture and desire of souls, whereas there has already come to them guidance
from their Lord.
24. Will the man have whatsoever he fancies?
25. But Allah is the Owner of the Hereafter and the world all.
26. And how many an angel is there in the heavens that their intercession availed nothing but when Allah permits
to whomsoever He desires and pleases.
27. Undoubtedly, those who do not believe in the Hereafter, name the angels with the names of females.
28. And they have no knowledge thereof. They follow mere conjecture and verily the conjecture avails nothing
against the conviction.
29. Therefore, turn your face from them who turned back from Our remembrance and who desired not but the life
of the world.
30. That is the utmost limit of their knowledge. Undoubtedly, your Lord knows well who strayed from His way, and
He knows well him who was guided.
31. And for Allah is whatever is in the heavens and whatever is in the earth so that He may recompense the evil
doers for their doings and reward with best those who do good.
32. Those who save themselves from grave sins and indecencies but to this extent that they approached sins and
kept themselves aloof. Verily, the forgiving of your Lord is vast. He knows you well, He created you from the
earth and when you were embryos in the bellies of your mothers. Therefore, tell not your souls as pure. He
knows well who are pious.
33. Did you observe him who turned away?
34. And gave a little and then stopped?
35. Has he the knowledge of the unseen, so he is seeing.
36. Has he not been told of what is in the scriptures of Musa?
37. And of Ibrahim who fulfilled the Commandments.
38. That no soul-bearing burden bears the burden of another.
39. And that the man will not get but what he endeavors.
40. And that his endeavour shall soon be seen.
41. Then he shall be recompensed for it fully.
42. And that verily, towards your Lord is the end.
43. And that it is He who made one to laugh and made one to weep.
44. And that it is He who caused death and caused life.
45. And that it is He who made pairs male and female.
46. From the sperm when it is poured forth.
47. And that it is for Him the second raising.
48. And that it is He Who enriched and gave satisfaction.
49. And that it is He Who is the Lord of the star Sirius.
50. And that it is He Who destroyed the first Aad;
51. And Thamud, then left none.
52. And before this the people of Nuh verily, they were more unjust and contumacious than them.
53. And He demolished the city to be over-turned.
54. Then covered them what covered them.
55. Therefore O listener', which of your Lord favours would you doubt?
56. This is a warner like the former warners.
57. It came near that was to come near.
58. There is none to open it save Allah.
59. Do you then wonder at this discourse?
60. And do you laugh, and weep not.
61. And you are sporting.
62. Therefore prostrate yourselves for Allah and worship Him. [^] (SAJDA=12).

Surah At-Tûr (The Mount)

Surah Number 52,  At-Tûr  (The Mount)

 English Translation

Revealed at Makkah

Total Verses  =  49

ALLAH in the name of The Most Affectionate, the Merciful.
1. By the Mount.
2. And by the Book inscribed.
3. And by the Book inscribed.
4. And by the frequented House.
5. And by the lofty roof.
6. And by the burning sea.
7. Surely, the torment of your Lord is certainly to occur;
8. There is none to avert it.
9. The day when the heaven will shake with awful shaking.
10. And the mountain will move with an awful movement
11. Woe is then on that day to the beliers.
12. Those who are playing in idle avocation.
13. The day when they shall be driven towards the hell with forceful pushing.
14. This is the Fire, which you used to belie.
15. Is this magic? or you do not perceive.
16. Go into it, now whether you be patient or be not patient, all is equal to you. You are merely recompensed for
what you used to do.
17. Undoubtedly, the pious are in gardens and in delight.
18. They are happy what their Lord has bestowed them, and their Lord has saved them from the fire.
19. Eat and Drink with pleasure for what you were doing.
20. Reclining in couches which are spread in rows, and We got them married with fair maidens having wide
beautiful eyes.
21. And those who believed and whose off-spring followed them with faith. We joined them with their offspring
and diminished not anything from. their deeds. All men are pledged in their deeds.
22. And We helped them with fruits and meat, anything they desire.
23. They pass from one to another, a cup wherein is neither absurdity nor sin.
24. And the youths in their service will go round them, as if they are pearls preserved concealed.
25. And of them one faced another asking questions.
26. They said, verily, before this we were in our families afraid'.
27. Therefore Allah favoured us and saved us from the torment of scorching hot wind.
28. Verily, we had worshipped Him in our first life. Undoubtedly, He is the Beneficent, the Merciful.
29. Then (O beloved Prophet) admonish. By the grace of Allah neither you are a sooth sayer nor a madman.
30. Or they say, 'He is a poet, we are waiting for the calamity of the time coming on him'
31. Say, you, 'keep on waiting, I am too waiting with you'.
32. Do their wisdom tell them this or they are people contumacious?
33. Or they say 'He has made this Quran, Nay rather they believe not'.
34. Then let them bring a single discourse like this, if they are truthful.
35. Have they not been created by any lineage or they are themselves creators?
36. Or they have created the heavens and the earth? Nay, rather they are not convinced.
37. Or they possess the treasure of your Lord or they are incharge of affairs'
38. Or they have any ladder by means of which they hear, then let their listener bring a clear authority.
39. Has He daughters and you sons?
40. Or you ask some wage from them, so that they are pressed under a load of debt
41. Or they have unseen with them by which they give command.
42. Or they are intending any plot? But it is the infidels who are to be caught in the plot.
43. Or they have any other god besides Allah? Sanctified is Allah from their polytheism
44. And if they should see a fragment of the sky falling down, they would say then, it is clouds piled up.
45. Then leave them, till they encounter their day wherein they shall swoon.
46. The day their plot shall avail them not at all, and not they shall be helped.
47. And undoubtedly, for the unjust people there is a torment before this, but most of them know not.
48. And O beloved prophet! Remain patient for the order of your Lord, that verily you are before Our eyes, and
sanctify your Lord praising Him when stand.
49. And sanctify Him in the night and after the setting of the stars.

Happy Happy