Thursday, 6 March 2014

Surah An-Nazi`ât (Those who Drag Forth)

Surah Number 79,  An-Nazi`ât 
English Translation 
Revealed at Makkah
Total Verses  =  46

ALLAH in the name of The Most Affectionate, the Merciful.
1. By those who drag forth souls vehemently,
2. And those who release knots gently.
3. By those who swim easily.
4. Then they reach soon by advancing.
5. Then they manage the affairs.
6. The infidels shall necessarily be chastised on the Day when the shivering one will shiver.
7. And there will follow it the following one.
8. How many hearts will be throbbing that Day?
9. They will not be able to lift up their eyes.
10. The infidels say. "shall we really be restored to our former state"?
11. What' even when we shall be rotten bones"
12. They said, such returning back is indeed a total loss.
13. That is not but a mere scolding.
14. Henceforth they shall he lying in an open ground.
15. Have you received the news of Musa.
16. When his Lord called to him in the holy valley Towa;
17. Go to Firawn; he has rebelled.
18. And say to him Have you any liking to purify yourself?
19. And that I should guide you to your Lord so that you may fear Him.
20. Then Musa showed him a great sign.
21. But he belied him and disobeyed.
22. Then he gave his back to him. striving against him.
23. Then he gathered his people and proclaimed.
24. And said, 'I am your Lord, the Most High'.
25. Therefore, Allah seized him for the torment of the present world and the Hereafter both.
26. Undoubtedly, there is in it a lesson for him who fears.
27. Whether according to your wisdom, the creation of yours is difficult or the heaven that He has built?
28. He has raised high its vault and made it perfect.
29. And He has made its night dark and its sunshine bright.
30. And after that, he spread out the earth.
31. He brought forth therefrom its water and its pasture.
32. And set firmly the mountains;
33. For your benefit and for your cattle.
34. But when the biggest calamity will come.
35. That day when man will call to mind all that he strove for.
36. And the Hell will be made manifest to him who sees.
37. Then as for him who rebelled;
38. And preferred the life of this world,
39. Then undoubtedly, the hell his destination.
40. But as to him who feared to stand before his Lord, and restrained his soul from evil desires;
41. Then undoubtedly, the Paradise is his destination.
42. They ask you concerning the Hour; when it is destined to come?
43. But what you are to do with its mentioning?
44. Towards your Lord is its ultimate end.
45. You are only a warner to him who fears it.
46. It shall be as if, on the day when they will see it, they had not tarried in the world but an evening or the rising
of the sun.

Sunday, 2 March 2014

Surah An-Naba` (The Announcement)

Surah Number 78,  An-Naba` (The Announcement)
English Translation
Revealed at Makkah
Total Verses  40

ALLAH in the name of The Most Affectionate, the Merciful.
1. What they are questioning for among themselves?
2. About the Great News.
3. In which they differ.
4. Yes, they will now know.
5. Again, yes, they will soon know.
6. Have We not made the earth a bed,
7. And the mountains as stakes?
8. And We have made you pairs,
9. And We have made your sleep a rest,
10. And We have made the night a covering.
11. And We have made the day for seeking livelihood.
12. And We have built over you seven strong layers (firmaments).
13. And We have set therein a very bright lamp.
14. And We sent down then from the clouds water pouring forcefully.
15. That We may bring forth therewith grains and vegetables.
16. And thick gardens.
17. Undoubtedly, the Day of Decision has an appointed time.
18. The day when the trumpet shall be blown, and you will come in hosts.
19. And the sky shall be opened up and it will become as doors.
20. And the mountains shall be made to move and shall become as they were a mirage.
21. Undoubtedly, Hell is watching.
22. The destination of the contumacious.
23. For ages, they will abide therein.
24. They will not taste therein neither cool nor any drink.
25. But boiling water and a burning yellow liquid of the people of Hell.
26. A fitting recompense.
27. Undoubtedly, they had no fear of reckoning.
28. And they belied Our signs fully.
29. And We have already kept counted everything in a Book.
30. Taste now, We shall not increase you but in torment.
31. Undoubtedly, for the God fearing is the place of triumph.
32. Gardens and grapes.
33. And rising breasted maidens of equal age.
34. And overflowing cups.
35. Therein they will hear neither idle talk nor lying.
36. A recompense from your Lord, a bestowing sufficient.
37. From Him Who is the Lord of the heavens and the earth and all that in between them is, the Most Affectionate,
they shall not have the power to speak to Him.
38. On the day when the spirit (Jibril) and all angels will stand in rows, no one shall be able to speak, but he when
the Most Affectionate will permit and who speaks aright.
39. That is the true day. Now let him who wills seek a way to his Lord.
40. We warn you of a torment which is near at hand; a day when man will see whatsoever his hands have sent on
before, and the infidels will say; would that I were dust'.

Happy Happy