Tuesday, 28 January 2014

Surah Al-Mursalât (The Emissaries)

Surah Number 77,  Al-Mursalât  
(The Emissaries)
English Translation
Revealed at Makkah

Total Verses  =  50

ALLAH in the name of The Most Affectionate, the Merciful.
1. By those sent forth continuously.
2. Then pushing on with force.
3. And then after stirring up lifting (things)
4. Then separating fully the truth and untruth.
5. Then by those bringing down the remembrance.
6. For completing the argument or warning.
7. Undoubtedly, what you are promised must happen.
8. So when the stars are extinguished.
9. And when heaven is split.
10. And when the mountains are blown away as dust.
11. And when the time of Messengers come.
12. For what day they were appointed?
13. For the Day of Decision.
14. And what did you know what the Day of Decision is?
15. Woe is on that Day to the beliers.
16. Did We not destroy the ancients?
17. And then We will cause the later ones to follow them.
18. Thus, We deal with the culprits.
19. Woe is on that Day to the beliers.
20. Did We not create you of a mean water?
21. Then We placed it in a safe place.
22. For a known measurement.
23. Then We measured, so what an excellent Measurers are We.
24. Woe is on that day to the beliers.
25. Have We not made the earth a gathering place?
26. Of your living ones and dead?
27. And We placed thereon high anchoress of mountains and made you drink very sweet water.
28. Woe is on that day to the beliers.
29. Now move on towards that which you used to belie.
30. Move on towards the shadow of that smoke which has three branches.
31. Neither providing shade nor protecting from the flame.
32. Undoubtedly, the hell sends up sparks like palaces.
33. As they were yellow camels.
34. Woe is on that day to the beliers.
35. This is a day when they shall not be able to speak
36. Nor shall they be permitted to offer excuses.
37. Woe is on that day to the beliers.
38. This is the Day of Decision; We have gathered you and all earlier ones.
39. Now if you have stratagem, then play it against Me.
40. Woe is on that Day to the beliers.
41. Undoubtedly, the feared ones are in the midst of shades and springs.
42. And in the midst of fruits, such, as they desire.
43. Eat and drink pleasantly, the reward of your doings
44. Undoubtedly, thus We recompense the righteous.
45. Woe is on that Day to the beliers.
46. Eat and carry on a little necessarily, you are the culprits.
47. Woe is on that Day to the beliers.
48. And when it is said to them, 'offer prayer', they do not offer.
49. Woe is on that Day to the beliers.
50. In which word then, after this will they believe?

Monday, 27 January 2014

Surah Al-Insân (The Man)

Surah Number 76,  Al-Insân  (The Man)

English Translation

Revealed at Makkah

Total Verses  =  31

ALLAH in the name of The Most Affectionate, the Merciful.
1. Undoubtedly, there has come upon man a time when there was no mentioning of his name anywhere.
2. Undoubtedly, We created man from a mingled sperm drop that We might try him, so We made him hearing,
3. Undoubtedly, We have shown him the way, whether he be grateful or ungrateful.
4. Undoubtedly, We have already prepared for the infidels' chains and iron collars and a blazing fire.
5. Undoubtedly, the virtuous will drink of a cup whereof the admixture is camphor.
6. What is the camphor, it is spring wherefrom the most special bondmen of Allah will drink. They will make it
gush forth wherever they would like in their places.
7. They fulfil their vows, and fear a day the evil of which is wide-spread.
8. And they feed, for love of Him, the poor. The orphan and the prisoner.
9. They say to them, 'We feed you for Allah pleasure only. We desire no recompense or thanks from you'.
10. Undoubtedly, we fear from our Lord a day, which is frowning and very hard.
11. So Allah has saved them from the evil of that day and granted them cheerfulness and happiness.
12. And recompensed them for their patience with a Garden, and silken clothes.
13. They will be reclined upon coaches in the Garden neither they will see therein sunny heat nor excessive cold.
14. And its shades will be inclined over them, and its clusters would have been made hanging down.
15. And there shall be passed around them silver vessels and goblets, which will be bright as glass.
16. What type of glass, glass of silver, the cupbearers would have placed them on complete measurement.
17. Therein, they shall be made to drink a cup whose mixture will be ginger.
18. What ginger is, it is a spring in the Paradise called Sal-Sabil.
19. And never aging youths shall go around them for service, when you see them; you think them to be pearls
20. And when you look to them, you see a bliss and a great Kingdom.
21. Upon their bodies, there are green silken garments and brocade and are made to wear bracelets of silver. And
their Lord made them to drink pure beverage.
22. It will be told to them, this is your recompense, and your labour bore fruits.
23. Undoubtedly We have sent down the Quran on you in piece-meal.
24. So be you patient under the order of your Lord, and hear not anyone of them sinner or unthankful.
25. And remember the name of your Lord morning and evening.
26. And in part of night, prostrate yourself before Him and magnify Him through the long night.
27. Undoubtedly these people love the things under feet, and has already left behind a heavy day.
28. We created them, and strengthened their joints, and when We will, We shall exchange their likes
29. Undoubtedly, this is an admonition, so whoever wishes may take a way unto his Lord.
30. And what you will, but only this Allah wills. Undoubtedly, He is All-Knowing, Wise
31. He causes whom He pleases to enter His mercy, and for the unjust, He has already kept prepared a painful

Sunday, 26 January 2014

Surah Al-Qiyâmah (The Rising of the Dead)

Surah Number 75,  Al-Qiyâmah  (The Rising of the Dead)

English Translation
Revealed at Makkah
Total Verses  =  40
ALLAH in the name of The Most Affectionate, the Merciful.
1. I call to swear by the Day of Resurrection.
2. And I do swear by the self-blaming soul.
3. Does man think that We shall not assemble his bones?
4. Why not, We are powerful to restore his very fingertips.
5. But man desires to do wrong infront of him.
6. He asks, when will be the Day of Resurrection?
7. But when the eyes is dazzled.
8. And the moon is eclipsed.
9. And the sun and the moon will be joined together.
10. On that day the man will say, where is place to run away to?
11. Never, there is no refuge.
12. On that day, one is to take towards your Lord alone.
13. That day man shall be informed as to what he has sent forward and what he left behind.
14. But rather man has complete sight over his own condition.
15. And if he brings all excuses he has, even then he will not be heard.
16. Move not your tongue with Quran that you may hasten to learn it.
17. Undoubtedly, it is upon Us to preserve it and to recite.
18. So, when We have already recited it follow then its recital.
19. Then it is upon Us, to make clear its minute details.
20. Nothing, rather you O infidels! love near life.
21. And you have already neglected the Hereafter.
22. Some faces on that day will be fresh.
23. Looking towards their Lord.
24. And some faces that day will be sad and dismal.
25. Thinking that back-breaking calamity will befall them.
26. Yes, when it will reach to the throat.
27. And it will be said, Is there any one who may exorcise?
28. And he (the dying man) will think that it is the hour of parting.
29. And shank will intertwined with shank.
30. The drive that day is towards your Lord.
31. For neither he accepted the truth nor offered prayers.
32. Yes, he belied and turned his face.
33. Then he departed to his home arrogantly.
34. Woe is near to you, now woe is near.
35. Again, woe is near to you, now woe is near.
36. Does man think that he will be left free?
37. Was he not a sperm of emission emitted?
38. Then he became a clot, and then He created him and perfected him.
39. And then He made of him a pair. The male and female
40. Would the One who has done all these things be not able to give life to the dead?

Friday, 24 January 2014

Surah Al-Muddaththir

Surah Number 74,  Al-Muddaththir     

(The Cloaked One)

English Translation

Revealed at Makkah

Total Verses  =  56

ALLAH in the name of The Most Affectionate, the Merciful.
1. 'O the mantled (a coverlet) one;
2. Stand up, then warn;
3. And magnify your Lord alone;
4. And keep clean your clothes;
5. And remain away from the idols;
6. And bestow not favours to anyone seeking increase;
7. And be patient for the sake of your Lord.
8. For when the trumpet shall be blown;
9. That day is then a harsh day;
10. For the infidels it is not easy.
11. Leave him when I created alone to Me;
12. And bestowed him ample wealth.;
13. And sons present before him;
14. And I prepared for him numerous preparations;
15. Then he covets that I may give him more;
16. Never, he is hostile to Our signs.
17. Soon, I shall cause him to ascend to the mountain of fire sand.
18. Certainly, he reflected and determined;
19. Then be he cursed how he determined;
20. Again, be he cursed, how he determined;
21. Then he looked about;
22. Then he frowned and scowled;
23. Then he turned his back and waxed pround.
24. And said, 'this is the same magic learnt from old ones'.
25. 'This is not but the word of man'.
26. I shall soon thrust him into the Hell.
27. And what did you know what the hell is?
28. It leaves not and spares none.
29. It takes out the skin of man.
30. Over it, there are nineteen guards.
31. And We have not made the guards of the hell but the angels, and We have not kept their calculation but as a
test of the infidels, in order that those who are men of the Book may be convinced and the faith of the
believers may increase, and those who are men of the Book and the muslims may not doubt, and that those in
whose hearts is a disease and the infidels may say, "what does, Allah mean by such a strange illustration? In
this way Allah leads astray whom He will and He guides whom He will. And none knows the hosts of your Lord
save He. And this is nothing but an admonition for man.
32. Yes, by the moon.
33. And the night when it retreats.
34. And by the morning when it shines.
35. Undoubtedly, the hell is one of the greatest things
36. A warning to man.
37. For any one of you, who wishes to advance or to fall back.
38. Every soul is pledged for what it has done.
39. But those on the right hand.
40. In Gardens, they ask;
41. From the culprits;
42. What brought you into the Hell.
43. They said, We used not to offer prayer.
44. And we used not to feed the needy ones.
45. And we used to indulge in objectionable talk with those who indulge therein;
46. And we used to belie the Day of judgement.
47. Until death over took us.
48. So the intercession of the intercessors will be of no use to them.
49. Now what happened to them that they turn their faces from admonition.
50. As if they are frightened asses.
51. Fleeing from a lion.
52. Nay, rather every one of them wishes that he may be given open sheets of revelation;
53. Never, but rather they fear not the Hereafter.
54. Yes, no doubt this is an admonition.
55. So that, whoever wishes may take admonition thereof.
56. And they will not accept admonition unless Allah so Please. He alone is worthy to be feared and He alone is
worthy to forgive.

Happy Happy